Richard Stallman Challenges 'Misleading' Coverage of His Comments on Marvin Minsky

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so he was just autistically arguing about the words they used?

That doesn't sound like something he would do.

The pic is a great tl;dr. Saved.


Still sad to hear someone went full screeching over Stallman's usual autism, specially considering the kind of person he is.

I am curious how this incident will affect RMS's views.

The person that leaked the mails:
>Did I even really know who Richard Stallman was before those emails? To be honest, not really — I’m a mechanical engineer who didn’t pay enough attention, apparently. I did not possess the awe and reverence many people commenting and retweeting seemed to. Maybe if I had known I would have been more “careful”. Maybe if I had known I, too, would have been able to let such comments and behavior slide because of “genius”.
>Yet here we are. I don’t regret a thing.

>bullying autistic people
Now who's the real asshole in this situation?

> I, personally, was not someone with a terrible advisor or a sexist professor or lecturer and while I am often the only woman in a room or the only woman in the section of my office building, I am surrounded by mostly nice, well-meaning men who have taught me a lot about engineering. I acknowledge that this is a privilege I have. The privilege to face only microaggressions."
>The privilege to face only microagressions
These people should be put in jail

what a self absorbed cunt lmao
you’re a mechanical engineer huh? so you do nothing then got it. the fucking president of the school is about to rescind our funding because of this shit. i am fucking beyond livid. this no name bitch is singlehandedly going to fuck over the latter half of my university career over this. i am incomprehensibly mad.

time to check his glossary
nope, no assault/rape yet.

you're looking at the wrong page, he's had a definition since 2017

How are they equating a spergs words with literal rapists and child molesters? That google faggot shouldn't be there either, don't think he raped anyone right?
Where does this broad get off?

>rescind our funding
please elaborate

Is this actually true? Is MIT standing with Stallman?

>Partner: This word means someone you are business with. To use it in regard to a love relationship is, in effect, to model your idea of love on the idea of business. I think it is misguided to model important areas of life in terms of mere business.
He's so pure. Thanks for this site.

What, you work for the media lab? They absolutely should rescind all your funding, and it has nothing at all to do with stallman and everything to do with joi & epstien.

Stallman is despised and seems strange because he is deeply principled, to the point that he cannot be bought. He lives in squalor and passed up job opportunities as a young man to devote his whole life to autistically preaching a weird ideology to people that are predisposed to hate him. That is an anomaly in modern times.

But its reasonable of her not to be willing to accept microaggressions, they totally ruin games. In fact this is one of the many reasons free software is a good thing, because proprietary games are always full of sneaky microaggressions and then you have to stop playing because it won't let you do another raid until you let it call you a nigger for thirty seconds to earn all your life points back.

now every low IQ whore can accuse any respectable man of anything on twitter, medium, facebook, etc... and nobody can do nothing about it, it's as if there is no law in the first place

He should sue the whore, and if there were a shred of justice in this world she would be imprisoned for faking accusations against an innocent man

hopefully stallman necks himself

They got linus (mostly through his whore sjw daughter) to take a break, stallman sharts in their general direction, can't have that, all checkmarks reeeing

Not related but am considering quiting my job for a postdoc for no reasons except earning one more meme degree. I'm considering MIT or one of these diversity Google stuff, since I can pass as a minority.
Would you recommend applying at the MIT?

you should follow your own advice

I said earlier that they're going to fucking freak when they find out that Stallman is a jew

>I said earlier that they're going to fucking freak when they find out that Stallman is a jew
Epstein link confirmed!!!


Wrong angle, you can't challenge jews. They're untouchable.

>any use of the term 'they' is Jow Forums
B-but what are my pronouns gonna be now?

she gets off on lies and slander


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There arent any anymore. You have to say 'second person plural'.

It was the angle they/them pushed on Jow Forums

RMS makes an apt statement regarding how things probably went down. Logic dictates that what he said is probably correct. The only problem is that the media is somehow misreading his statement and thinking that he has no sympathy for the victim.

Fucking PC culture is too retarded to follow a narrative and yet they try to ruin someone elses career based on their own stupidity and lust for social media points.

they aren't somehow misreading it. they're purposefully ignoring what he actually said and construing it or outright lying. this has happened countless times and nobody cares because nobody will ever be held accountable for these attempts at character assassination through social media lynch mobs.

nobody will bother reading the actual statements(which won't be included in the clickbait articles).

What else is new? This is what they've been doing forever. They established that they can remove anyone from their career for any reason and they're exercising that power.

Stallman solves that problem elegantly, too. Is there anything that man can't do?

stallman is just defending epstein and the perps who used his services because they were mostly all jewish or democrats.

>As for "they", if you are plural by nature — for instance, if you are a colonial organism or a group mind, or if you wish to be known for having multiple personalities — I will use that plural pronoun to refer to you.

>Only jews are pedos
You have to go back

it's just some stupid fucking black chick overreacting. just think back to that adria richards lady.

I dont use twitter or watch "the news". Does anything in this thread actually matter or is it yet another e-storm in an e-cup?

lol no

So Bill Gates fly on the plane but this aspie somehow managed to get blamed?

Just another: blue checkmarks on twitter are reeing, look at us. Funny as fsf is unlikely to bow to normie pressure from influencers that get major companies to do toshit appease them

Medium and Vice are rags anyways, only government employees and human resources bookmark these websites, along with people who talk in movie theatres and mix chocolate and vanilla icecream.

>I don't know who he is but he is wrong

Fair enough

If you didn't know who he is then why would go do the ridiculous thing of trying to plaster him all over the media?

not buying the fact she had "no idea". first thing she did when she read these e-mails was search his name to see how much publicity she could get for stallman's "wrongthing". fuck SJWs.


pol get out

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Of course not, it's another attempt at pushing 'wahmen' into stem, they tried with linus, now it's stallman, the fucking accusers like clockwork have weird colored hair and many pronouns and no history of ever contributing to open source

You're overestimating these people. They will overreact to anyone without any kind of research. If you check the post history she's probably reacted to loads of people before but now she accidentally targeted someone well regarded.

that reminds me of the accusation that Theo Ts'o is a rape apologist.

Apex cringe there mate

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Is there any medium article that doesn't consist of a literal who trying to cancel somebody?


Usually the sensible ones don't get megaphoned on twatter, quite a few good reads on programming and netsec out there, but most shared ones are usually sjw nonsense

>Imagine a world where they took part of what you said and made it a headline

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>they misinterpreted my long standing position that pedophilia is ok and that being forced into sex slavery is fine
Forcing consent isn't consent and paraphrasing "the most likely senerio is she was willing" is Stallmans fantasy that the slave wanted it. Literally the mind of a pedo, I'm sure she was mature for her age too.

Stop putting words he never said into his mouth and attacking him based on that. It's a facility, called strawman.

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.




this is the copypasta that guy was talking about yesterday. fair enough.

nice larp

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>mostly through his whore sjw daughter
elaborate, is linus pussy whipped by his daughter? I would have expected him to not be a onions parent

His daughter is full on sjw and he even quoted his relationship with her as one of the reasons for taking a break to work on himself

wasnt that break around when the coc was added to the linux tree

another case of "i didnt truly understand that girls were people too, until i created and came to own one myself"