I wish I didn't like Linux Mint so much. I know it's a lame, fork of a fork distro, it's super casual and normie...

I wish I didn't like Linux Mint so much. I know it's a lame, fork of a fork distro, it's super casual and normie, and they had security concerns. But I'll be damned if it just doesn't run better and smoother than basically anything else, with the best usage of the Cinnamon DE and hardly makes my fan make any noise at all. Does anyone know of any other distros that run as well as Mint but aren't as derivative or casual?

Attached: https:_blogs-images.forbes.com_jasonevangelho_files_2018_11_mate-1.jpg (960x637, 35K)

Unironically install Gentoo.
3 second boot times to DE. systemd is cancer


>unironically install gentoo
you're full of shit
nobody unironically installs gentoo, it doesnt even have any games

I use mint, when I started Linux like in 2015 I used Debian, then I switched to Arch after some time, then I switched to Mint for a while, then I switched to openSUSE for a while, then I switched back to Debian because
>muh free software
then I had problems getting bluetooth running, so I switched back to Mint, because
>it just werks
so I have been on Mint for about a year and don't think im gonna switch anytime soon, Im tired of distro hopping

I dont think I could even install gentoo without fucking up a couple times, plus I thought systemd was faster then inits? anyways im too entrenched into apt, I started getting in to learning things in 2016, I even became fluent in python, but a year later I stopped learning, I dont think I even want to learn computer shit anymore, and I would be frustrated at learning a new package manager

debian cinnamon is comfy senpai

No i feel the same way about Xubuntu and XFCE. It's babbys first distro and I love it

When I installed Debian Cinnamon it didn’t even come with a terminal

Cinnamon is the best DE by far in my opinion

I think it's association with Mint is why people seem to not prefer it too much

I think Mint does it better than Ubuntu or Debian though. Mint just has this look where Cinnamon looks really great

is it mint loving hours?

Cinnamon on Arch can be themed to Look like Mint. You can take the exact theme files and add them.

that's weird.

Even my LTO'd Gentoo with a custom Kernel, syslinux and no initramfs doesn't boot in 3 sec, and it's installed on a 970 EVO.

how is the last version of Mint, Tina ?

No complaints. Runs as well as always. That said, you still can't get ukuu to work right for recent kernels, as they are still unsigned. You're stuck with the Update Manager.

I dislike the severely outdated packages, as well as Mint's propensity towards catastrophically breaking with every major upgrade (to be fair, pretty much every point-release distro suffers from this). Cinnamon is okay, but nothing special, it's pretty much just WinXP. I don't really see what it has over XFCE. The file manager is a little nicer, I guess.

Hm I see, I fear that my 5700xt isnt recognized, oh well

A boot stick is easy enough to make for testing purposes.

xubuntu is better


Switched to Mint back in 2011. Haven't looked back since.

Don't change your distro just because "its too normie". If you like Linux Mint and it has everything you need just keep it.

Install arch. Install cinnamon on arch.

this guy gets it
Mint Xfce is the olny thing that comes close to Xubuntu

How do people unironically use cinnamon or xfce

cinnamon is really good. how do people still use single monitors in 2019?

I absolutely want to like it. I like how stuff is organised. But I just fucking hate the look, even with customisation. it looks both stale/outdated and like DE for toddlers with those icons etc

yup, it's faster

Unfortunately XFCE tends to cause gnarly screen tearing, maybe this will stop when Xubuntu updates to next month, I heard they are using the newest version of XFCE. As of now though it’s unusuable

i like cinnamon too, but am using it with manjaro

Mint is nice, but I prefer it with xfce.

mint cinnamon is the best for me

it's ok, but i got sick of it after a couple of years. every two years something would break and completely fuck it up, so it's not good for development at all. been using debian instead and it's solid as a rock.

>but I prefer it with xfce.
this. xfce is very nice.

its a poor version of cinnamon

Nothing wrong with Cinnamon Mint.
It's like a good ubuntu.

Attached: evolution.jpg (600x367, 47K)

Probably past end of life by that time.
It's not a rolling release.

>it doesnt even have any games

Attached: 1557052623210.jpg (480x539, 26K)

That means you're a faggot that hugely fucked up. Wrong USE flags or whatever.

Mint and the 'Buntus are cancer, just use Debian with a few backports as needed. If you need a lot of backports, just use Arch. Derivatives are such a waste of developer time and resources over so little.
>inb4 rocketscience on mint meme
I'm actually a physicist and we use Debian in every university and laboratory that I have visited.