So what about Telegram?

So what about Telegram?
The normal chats dont have E2E-Encryption.
But its comfy, fast, has lots of features and the desktop client is kino.
Can we trust the Secret Chats?
The Secret chats are supposed to have E2E-Encryption and you can set a counter so every message gets deleted 10 seconds (or whatever you want it to be) after the recipient read it. Also you cant take screenshots, thats why secret chats are only available on mobile, because otherwise this feature could not work, because its easy to bypass on a normal OS.
So secret chats are like a communication in real life, no logs, after you said something nobody can hold you responsible for it.
What is your opinion on Telegram?

Attached: Telegram-Messenger.png (900x500, 7K)

it stores all your shit on UK servers

what do you think, OP

What else do you suggest
Inb4 "hurr durr signal" gtfo

Not in the case of secret chats.
Also not all servers are in the UK.
Also you can delete all your messages at anytime in the normal chat, the question is what happens to the messages stored on telegrams servers

The most bearable normie messaging app for both mobile and desktop.
I wouldn't consider private chats secure. I don't see a reason why Telegram's devs would invent their own cryptographic protocol when they could use well known and trusted protocols like OMEMO/OTR except for leaving some kind of a backdoor.

Im wondering what Durov's endgame is?
Why does he create an app that specifically targets the markets of Iran and Russia?
Why does he allow groups who are getting kicked out by other platforms (like islamic rebels or far right groups)?
is it a honeypot?
how is he making profit from this all?

App mostly used by Ingress players who are too hipster for discord

Using the word comfy to describe a fucking chat program is retarded. Kill yourself.

>Using the word comfy to describe a fucking chat program is retarded. Kill yourself.

Attached: 1565380565573.jpg (785x731, 112K)

>muh jews
Jow Forums go away

OMG so this!

Anyone here that seriously looked into MTProto? I read the description on their website and it looks fine. At least I can see no obvious flaw. I'm not a security/cryptography specialist though.

> Also you cant take screenshots
u can, but u have to disable screen blocking feature in app settings, that is enabled by default

> secret chats are only available on mobile,
yeah, cuz most desktop apps don't support key storing, u should search not offical apps for telegram client if u really want

lol, it requires your phone number

lol, i use a russian fake number, instead of a real number from my country.
problem solved.

Durov is fucking loaded. He and his bro cloned the best version of Facebook for the Russian market and it's still the best social network all around, usability-wise, years after he got kicked out and group started shitting up the place.

He got kicked out because he, as a CEO, demanded that law enforcement follow due process in requesting users' personal data (as opposed to shipping GDPR-tier collection to every fuck who happens to write an email request from a address). He was forced to sell his shares to the group (Yahoo of Russia, anti-Midas touch included) below market, but he still came out loaded af, ~$1B personal net worth. He and his autistic math nerd bro developed TG basically out of spite to be the secure communications platform anyone can use. He's a radical libertarian, so both a hardline position on privacy and the plan to monetize Tg via custom blockchain system fits his "I just do whatever I think is right" MO.

Custom crypto is because Nik Durov is an autistic math nerd with IOI and ACM gold medals for programming and 2 PhDs in math, so he thinks he can do better than NSA-curated (((crypto experts))) everyone relies on. So far, no successful attack on Tg crypto has been demonstrated or reported, so I'm inclined to keep trusting him.

As always, it's about tradeoffs. Being based in EU + distributed backend architecture minimizes risks to stored data, and optional E2EE lets you secure what's really important against an unlikely eventuality that Tg gets pozzed.

Also, animated stickers are NOICE

Tg is indeed the least shitty mainstream messenger. Everything else is either pozzed or too autistic for non-Jow Forums people to use. Mobile# as identity was a logical and acceptable tradeoff back when Tg was designed. Tg's success is partially responsible for acceleration in research into SS7/SIM/mobile networks security. Just this week some cockholes tried to SIM-port our CEO's number with explicit aim of hijacking his Tg acc, but we reacted in time.

If you use a separate (and preferably depersonalized) mobile# to register, then enable 2FA and don't spread that number around, you'll be fine.

And again, custom crypto because Pavel considers US cryptographers and all their work pozzed by default (and he's not wrong) and Nikolai thinks he's smart enough to do better (and has creds to prove it).

> telegram
> end-to-end
in iOS, they store ALL messages sent and received as plain text into a database file. so if you have your phone taken by the feds, they can get every single message out of that database.
> no logs
except what is stored in your phone.

all i wish is that regular chats/group chats were encrypted.

Centralized. Not self-hostable. Devs have shown to be incompetent regarding encryption-related stuff.
Just use Matrix like any sane person.

>Just use Matrix like any sane person.
You misspelled xmpp, user.

Matrix is superior to XMPP.

Why not use matrix?

You. Can. Not. Trust. Commercial. Bullshit.

Telegram is the best. TON coming soon™
fuck the haters.

Does it need a phone number to "activate"?
if yes then fuck off

inb4 soe mouthbreather tells me to buy a disposable sim card just to use a fucking app like some crackhead drugdealing nigger

It's better than Whatsapp and still usable by normie friends and family. Not sure what else would fit that category.

>The normal chats dont have E2E-Encryption.
this is pure bullshit, they store your messages encrypted in their server.
But that doesn't mean they have the key.
Read the client code retard, you don't give them the key

I would not use telegram in Russia. Not its end to end or secret chat.


Durov bet his ass on shitty memecoin platform based on Telegram.
He's already behind projections on launch date and when he fucks it up, he's gonna lose Telegram to some for-profit group who immediately will sell your ass. Basically the same way he lost his first project - because he's a retard.

I don't get the communication privacy folks. I mean, you can go really obscure with your choice of distro or anime viewing software without any downsides, the limit is your time and patience. But any kind of network with a world "social" or "speak"/"chat"/"talk" attached to it depends on at least some amount of people willingly using it. I mean, what's the point of using Matrix or XMPP if you can't even catch people you know on Telegram? I mean, you can, but you have to be a gigachad who can be a dick and force everyone to create an account in order to be greeted with his presence. But that's, like, another level of winning at life.

>i mean 3x
I just wanted you to be sure what i mean

And the other thing is what do you even need the encryption for? I get it if it's some discussion of corporate secret, or some illegal actions you definitely don't wand glowies to know about. But what if I don't participate in such discussions? Do I still need that super-secure encryption?

>Being based in EU

Isn't it based in Switzerland?

buy Russian number for literally 0.05$ online and activate it.