Post your fonts

Post your fonts

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-09-20 17-57-49.png (423x551, 58K)

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Ubuntu mono is the best font imo.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-09-21 02-59-26.png (3840x2160, 813K)

It's pretty nice

Attached: 1545330389073.png (566x623, 78K)

Cascadia Code

why is consolas the best font ever made?

Attached: consolas-screenshot.png (920x760, 97K)

I kinda fell in love with terminus after trying openbsd. Pic from google.

Attached: terminus.gif (962x576, 14K)

I really like roboto mono but the curly brackets are really bad, and I'm not enough of an autist to learn how to edit a font so I use office code pro

it was the best until cascadia code got announced

IBM Plex Mono.

Attached: 1569006128.png (2040x1136, 228K)



Horrible to read in smaller sizes.

6x13 is the standard font.

Attached: ss.png (1594x1172, 15K)

>12x24 pixels per character
Are you using this on an 8K monitor, or are you 70+?

Source Code Pro Semibold

Do you actually use this? Even on 4K, you'd only get 50 lines.

macOS's Menlo is god tier.

Based. I use that too. Even in Firefox


good bait

those tiny bitmap fonts hurt my eyes

Rust is the only bad thing here.

I fucked the screenshot. That's why didn't post Here it is.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-09-21 02-50-39.png (1366x768, 114K)

IBM PLEX is the best font set.

most fonts look rly bad on those dark themes you people use. i think it's a subpixel thing but idk
stop using dark colorschemes

my eyes hurt tho

that's cuz you don't go outside

>for loops
>for loops with vars
>defining a constant and then returning it right after instead of just returning the expression

Attached: 9817.png (320x338, 114K)


>not using single quotes
>not using reduce
>not using maps
>unnecessarily nested loops
>arbitrary precision
>abbreviated function names and variables

Attached: 1531689097096.png (619x594, 188K)

Use a warm off white color scheme.

Have you ever considered that your eyes are the cause for this?

Hack 10

Anybody using proportional fonts? I find them liberating.

My custom Iosevka build :)

Attached: 2019.08.01-14.23.57.screenshot.png (864x972, 103K)

holy fucking shit that is hot, how do i get *that*?


Attached: 1559906931293.png (785x731, 197K)

>using any other font for "programming" than Consolas or Ubuntu Mono
lmaoing at your life, plebs

This man is getting paid


this is very pleasant

Here user :)

thank you user! love your font

>let and var in the same codebase
You're fucking gross, just like JS

thanks, kind stranger

This looks great but what exactly did you change?

> dividing by zero

Ligatures are disgusting.

The font itself is wider and I picked different variants for `a i l y $ @ 0 * { }`

Oh great! I just switched away from Iosevka due to how narrow it was (neofetch was not looking good) so I'm probably gonna move back now.

fellow user do you know how to edit fonts?

if yes, can you edit roboto mono's {} to better ones? like the ones from office code pro? thats the only thing that makes me mad in roboto, i really like it

No sorry, Iosevka just offers multiple variants of letters so you can choose which ones you like and make your own font. I did not actually edit the font by hand.

What fonts do you guys use for resumes? Just computer modern or something else?

why use forEach instead of for...of in year of our lord?

waz font is dat


Attached: c_279044_gJq6U.jpg (594x249, 33K)

Iosevka.... home.

Attached: 1551052647761.png (787x876, 116K)

Source Code Pro is pretty comfy.

Attached: 1569007623578__01.png (743x639, 85K)

This is actually pretty great.

Attached: 1557496047072.png (742x876, 116K)


Attached: 1566290665418.png (880x876, 124K)


what the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK. WHY???

what is this programming language? wtf

t. fontlet


It's Kotlin.

Fantasque Sans Mono

Attached: 2019-09-21_14-44.png (722x244, 127K)

>gee i sure miss the seventies, video terminals should never have moved past 80x25 characters