Lets write a killer Python program one line at a time...

Lets write a killer Python program one line at a time. I'm sure the combined autism of Jow Forums will create something truly amazing and I'll run the final result. Lets start

import os

Attached: pylogo.png (601x203, 82K)



def niggerlicious(MIT, nigger, glow_in_the_dark):

os.system('sudo rm -rf /')

The forum doesn't allow tab indents, so you can't run shit.

if nigger.cia is True:

while nigger:


(if (eql OP Faggot) (princ "OP is a faggot") (princ "OP is the faggot"))

print "chromosomes determine sex."

for nigger in (OP for OP in pedo if OP == faggot)

print("is this in python 3 or 2?")

print "imagine using python in %d" % current_year

[(lambda: __builtins__.__import__('os').system('python -c \'print("install gentoo")\''))(), None][-1]

Attached: dinosaur.jpg (682x682, 65K)


hello world;

niggers=[list(g) for k, g in groupby(sorted(pussy['terrydavis']), key=lambda n, c=count(0, 60): n - next(c))]


[code lang="python"]
import mysql.connector

mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
host="Jow Forums.org",

mycursor = mydb.cursor()

mycursor.execute("DROP TABLE threads")

print("imagine using python in {}".format(__import__("datetime").date.today().year))


>one line at a time

different year, same moronic buncha bullshit ......

(lambda num: (lambda reduce, FBType: [type("Fizzbuzzer", (FBType,), {"answer": property(lambda self: (lambda result: result if result else self.value)(reduce(lambda a, b: a+b[1] if self.value%b[0]==0 else a, self.fb_nums, "")))})(i).answer for i in range(num)])(__import__("functools").reduce, type("FBType", (object,), {"__init__": lambda self, value: setattr(self, "value", value), "fb_nums": [(3, "fizz"), (5, "buzz")]})))(100)

you forgot to import threading

>I'm sure the combined autism of Jow Forums will create something truly amazing
how new can you be?

t. never used python