I'm dreaming code. While I'm sleeping a bunch of concepts and problems related to programming go through my mind...

I'm dreaming code. While I'm sleeping a bunch of concepts and problems related to programming go through my mind. Every once in a while I get insight on something I'm actually working on in real life, but it's rare, It's mostly random and abstract things. Many times I can't pinpoint what the dream was about I just know for sure it was related to programming.

Do you think this is normal? Does this happen to you?

Attached: bob.jpg (960x602, 54K)

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>Do you think this is normal?
yes, it normal that you dream about what you did all day
>Does this happen to you?

Attached: 1567961961405.jpg (375x377, 30K)

or are you really

Sometimes I think about what im programming before I fall asleep, but dreaming is mostly abstract things

I never learned to code, so no I don't dream in code. However, when I was learning Japanese I experienced a couple Japanese language dreams after a year or so. It's not uncommon for people who are learning a new language to dream in that language once they become relatively fluent. It sounds like this is what's going on with you, and in that sense it's not abnormal. Programming languages are still languages, and your subconscious is spitting out emotional concepts in code. I'd recommend keeping a dream journal. Most of what you get will probably be gibberish, but you'll get some amazingly intuitive gems here and there which could be groundbreaking.

based bob, working smart, not hard

>sleeping and working at the same time to increase efficiency

Ann worked HR and other useless jobs while buying a new pair of shoes every single day, having no savings and 10 illegitimate children from niggers.

>female workers

I want Bitcoin to become illegal just to watch Jow Forums commit mass sudoku. Am I a bad person?

Only faggots dream. I close my eyes and the next thing I know it's 6 hours later and time to get up again. It's like blinking away 1/4 of the day.

I used to be that way until I got over depression and got real sleep. And stopped having loud things near me during my sleep.

You're a complete retard


It's normal, happens if you spend all day focusing on 1 thing

this is the world we created

It is sick and twisted. Women are lauded as being all men are and more when they are not and the role women actually perform is downplayed and insulted.

we can only wait for Islam to take over to kill all faggots, furries, pedos and put women in their place.

I will never follow any variation of abrahamic mind poison. Even Islam.

Also pedos are based. Women hate pedos and ancient history when men married girls younger because it meant the girl had purpose, loyalty and a loving family.

That happens all the time though on Jow Forums.

Well being a social worker or teacher never was lucrative.

>tfw dream about Jow Forums

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Dilate incel

Asshurt childless roastoid. Rejecting natures utmost purpose for females and one of extreme importance to become a cog in the jewish machine. You make me sick.

>t. obese manchild jncel that can only have sex when grooming a young child

>buying child porn
Its free on facebook

I disagree and really believe that Islam will destroy the degenerates but I have to agree in the pedophilia part. Humanity were based when you could marry a 10yo little girl. Maybe we will come back to those times.

It might as well be illegal. Every single exchange ever is a scam that steals your money, half the world can't purchase because they don't have access to US exchanges and have no local exchanges, virtually nobody outside US banks accept receipts from bitcoins sites, paying with non-US bank cards are blocked temporarily blocked at best, transaction completely denied otherwise, impossible to transact in bitcoin without using fullcheck services (kyc garbage lies), etc.

everyone dreams, but you remember yours if you wake up in the middle of it. in fact you dream thrice a night

Islam won't destroy degenerates retard, it will become westernized and corrupted like every other thing.

t. Obese roastoid whore who can only get men by criminalizing their partners of choice

I won't follow islam. Another Yahweh following kid cutting desert cult. One thing ive learned is anything with that much jewish semitic base isnt good.

you ascended to an android being.
keep up with it and you'll awake in the matrix you dreamed of

Woman good
Man bad

Lose weight and shave your neckbeard

This is your brain on female argumentation. I hope you get leashed again soon whore.

Yup, happened to me in programming, language learning (not usefull) and music (played piano twice, sounded realistic).
One tipp: Write your dreams up the morning after and tell yourself to remember a dream before your sleep. Dreams are mostly noice so our tendency is to forget most of them, but you can counteract that to a degree and with some luck you can become lucid and larp as whatever you want.

had this ability when i was 13-15
shit was so cash

14-Year-Old Prodigy Programmer Dreams In Code

Nice dude! its one of my long term goals