The journey ends where it starts

The journey ends where it starts
It just works. It simply just works.

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Other urls found in this thread: hate Ubuntu. I immediately lose respect for anyone who runs it, and especially those who advocate it. Here’s why: Name 20 features, release-for-release or year-for-year that have not come from Redhat./

no, it does not. linux mint is closest thing to something that just works. ubuntu always throws cryptic exceptions and i don't have time to deal with that.

Debian just works and it's not filled with Amazon spyware

for me it started with Arch
took the final redpill and installed Xubuntu 3 years ago, never looked back

Which one is easier to upgrade to a newer LTS version? Which one has more driver support?

I hate Ubuntu. I immediately lose respect for anyone who runs it, and especially those who advocate it. Here’s why:

Name 20 features, release-for-release or year-for-year that have not come from Redhat. Redhat basically runs the show when it comes to Linux. This includes things like NetworkManager, Gnome, Xorg, GCC, glibc, LVM, KVM, kernel, file systems et al. Redhat has developers making significant contributions to the entire FOSS software stack upstream.

Ubuntu on the other hand pulls most of the heavy weight packaging from Debian with each release. They then perform minor patching and testing. It generally lags behind Fedora by a release or two in parts of the software stack. I never see @ubuntu or @cannocial email addresses in upstream changelogs.

So tell me again, how exactly does Ubuntu innovate? They even struggle to release a new theme with each release, and artwork is about the only original thing in Ubuntu.

Yes, Ubuntu is stable because they are standing on the shoulders of giants. Most of the hard work is hashed out before they ever import software into their repositories. This is fine, and what FOSS is all about, but I prefer to be in with the leaders rather than the followers.

What really irks me and what has really brewed my hatred are Ubuntu users. They seem to think Ubuntu is responsible for all that is good in the FOSS world. I have just proven how false this is. In my experience, Ubuntu support mechanisms (IRC, mailing lists, forums) are much less helpful than the alternative.

If you want a nice desktop distro, run Fedora or OpenSUSE. If you like control, run Gentoo. If you need stability, run RHEL/CentOS or Debian. But please, don’t feed the idiot magnet that is Ubuntu!

One shekel has been deposited on your amazon account.

>not Debian or CentOS
Into the trash it goes.
>but muh new packages hurr
It's 2019 Cletus, learn to use a goddamn container.

no, it ends with BSD. too much useless choice on linux

OP here, my bad, wrong pic

Attached: sorrywrongpic.png (225x225, 8K)

>Which one is easier to upgrade to a newer LTS version?
mint if we're talking desktop/laptop since that's what it was made for. ubuntu for servers.
>Which one has more driver support?
they should be the same. mint is based on ubuntu.

do you have a higher res version?

I am on Ubuntu for years now but no... If I have to use GDebi and gnome tweaks to have basic functionality then the distro doesn't "just work". I have tons of other issues but many of those are just Linux (the kernel) things.
Ubuntu has a larger community. I love the fact that I can google every single issue I have and there will be an answer in askubuntu or some medium article. Every other distro has either a RTFM community or a half-dead one.
Amazon has zero presence on my Ubuntu installation.

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I tend to agree with this, but would not credit anyone for the current state of GNOME, Xorg, or much else you mentioned. Fedora does work a lot on the upstream side, but its not all good work. Sometimes I think it would be better if they just left it to the community distros who were not millions in the tank with GNOME and the like.

>I hate Ubuntu. I immediately lose respect for anyone who runs it
What a stupid post. Most engineers who actually want to get work done instead of endlessly configuring their OS use Ubuntu, but apparently that is not worthy of your "respect" (as if that's worth anything)

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Over 90% of SV engineers and scientists are fullblown macfags.

Tbh I think this might be more true than most of us would like to admit. I did the whole cycle Ubuntu -> Debian -> Arch -> Void -> Arch -> Gentoo (fuck compiling) -> fucking Mint

"I don't want my distro to get in the way" I find has a double meaning. Minimal distros are great in that they let you customize everything you want, yet out of the box distros customize for you the things you don't want to. But lately I don't have the time to do that. For me, the best option right now is to take any top 5 distro, and just put i3 on it and continue my work in 30 minutes of installing. Anything I want reconfigured I'll just reconfigure it and be done with it.

With that being said, using Void and Arch was incredibly useful in teaching me what I could do with my machine, and I still use the ArchWiki regardless of the distro I use.

>what has really brewed my hatred are Ubuntu users. They seem to think Ubuntu is responsible for all that is good in the FOSS world
Sounds biased. I don't have that impression of Ubuntu users at all.

whats the appeal of debian? the software is so fucking old

Installed Xubuntu recently, its freaking great. It has all the usability and convenience of Ubuntu but feels more like a normal, light desktop.

Attached: Xubuntu_logo.svg.png (1024x1024, 50K)

Mint had a lot of driver issues that Ubuntu didn't for me. Try them both out and make sure you test all your USB ports.

here's a wallpaper

Attached: 1542640281969.png (1920x1080, 111K)

Is this pasta?

Too bad there isn't any way to find that kind of thing out on your own without shitting up the board with your inane questions.

You put the hot new shit in a virt or container where it can't give you problems a quick smack won't fix. I honestly have no idea what anyone would use a current/rolling release for. The only remotely current distro I've ever used was Gentoo stable, which I would still use but for the fact they're now almost as slow as Debian and I haven't needed the performance of a custom kernel flag in years.

For some weird reason, Ubuntu-based distros never work correctly on my PCs. I tried Kubuntu, Lite, Neon, Mint, there were always problems.
Other distros work fine, though.

>use gentoo
>it just werks

Attached: gnu-durp.png (1048x1024, 131K)

Some people appreciate having a stable distribution, meaning that change happens slowly. For the rest, unstable exists.

if im a huge brainlet, are there programs you can use that can compile programs from source for you?

This but unionrically. Using Arch, Gentoo, Fedora, or some other hurr durr hot new package stuff on bare metal is beyond retarded. The whole virtualization industry rests upon the concept of taking solid/stable Linux hosts like Debian and CentOS and using them to contain guests of more current environments for production. That way, when something goes really fucking wrong, you nuke the container from low orbit just to make sure, and then repopulate it with a fresh image or roll back to previous state. Zero risk to your metal install, zero risk to your bulk data storage. Zero ball ache because you're going to work in 20 mins but you've gotta read the Arch website to make sure breakage isn't in the offing today.

Don't get me wrong. A place for each and each in its place. None of these distros I'm shading are bad, but they don't belong on your hardware if said hardware is more performant than a toaster.

config make install and fetching what you need almost never works

the dependencies are either old and long gone or modified to be compatible with the next version of whatever distro. If you do manage to get something to work it could cause a dependency hell scenario.

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Why not Void?

They felt the power level and snapped.

Rude. Stop being so mean to user!
Yes. hate Ubuntu. I immediately lose respect for anyone who runs it, and especially those who advocate it. Here’s why: Name 20 features, release-for-release or year-for-year that have not come from Redhat./

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Pretty much this.

Spoonfeeding people who put zero effort into their posts serves only to lower the overall quality of the board.

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Ubuntu is becoming hot garbage really fast. I can't recommend it or Debian anymore. Fedora is now head and shoulders above both.

Unironically this. there is no reason to support Debian or Ubuntu

but this is nice board. you can't be mean in nice board!!

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is it true this shit spies on you

I only use Xubuntu or Lubuntu LTS, everywhere. I stick with them for years. I don't have to bother until 2023.

It just works. When I need new software, I get the PPA. When I have some problem, I google "Ubuntu My_problem". There is a ton of information. I don't even need new software. 10 year old shit works fine, tbqh. I couldn't care less.

There is too much distro autism. However, it lacks substance; it's all vague words. In the end, they are pretty much the same. Some kernel + systemd + libraries + desktop.

have sex, please.

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Use Debian, considering switching just to use the PPAs.

i love you

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if you need new software you can use appimage, flats or snaps as well.

I use arch btw

When adobe supports GNU/Linux natively I will switch. Until then windows owns my soul

Can I please get something that isn’t a fucking Beaver Ubuntu

Unity was good.

Snikketi snekk, when??

>0 mentions
Wow is this bizzaro Jow Forums

Stalman's resignation changes a man

You can use Unity on Bionic Beaver. You apt-get it on a mini install.

Why would I need to change anything?
Im comfortable with my computer.
Will it go faster or better if I change distro?
Will it offer new functionality?

Started from Solus and ended up on Manjaro

I'm basically a newbie when it comes to Linux, though

men of culture

I tried Arch, Mint, Debian, CentOS and I came back to Ubuntu indeed, but not for long. I just don't have enough time to play around. Thinking about going back to Debian soon

congratulations on using green Ubuntu!

a lot of you bastards are using some meme distro on top of Bionic Beaver without even realizing it!

asking dumb shit is rude in the first place

he meant if you wanted to update software later in the LTS's life cycle.

What flavor works the most?

>congratulations on using orange Debian!
>a lot of you bastards are using some meme distro on top of Debian Testing without even realizing it!

Kubuntu 18.04 LTS

I end up with Fedora instead.

This, I like Debian/Ubuntu and apt but it has given me trouble when I want to add repo's because I hate installing from source. COPR works like a charm and has almost as much as the AUR. I use Debian for my home server and workstation. I can't even install mps-youtube because it's not on buster or backports yet. Ubuntu is much better about this, but it still isn't perfect. Fedora dnf just works cleanly. Most modern user friendly gnu/linux distro's solved the uptime configuring problem and most shit just works anyway, Ubuntu isn't the sacred cow it once was, hell, manjaro is a great option and any brainlet can install yay to use the AUR like apt.

Oooohhh almighty eye vaporizer red color scheme for maximum attention guy appeared again in this board!
now pray the Lord and join the red color scheme, may the red bless your attention span user

Wait, Fedora makes it easy to install from source?

16.04 LTS.

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