Mommy is on the news

She is being recognized!

Attached: file.png (716x151, 13K)

Nice. I wonder if AMD employees jack off thinking about her.

we do ;)

very happy for my mommy

No she is officially a jew
We are orphan now

>Dr. Lisa is jew

I don't, despite having excellent tits for a woman of her age and ethnicity.

I'd be all "mommy Su, please notice me", if I worked there...

Good thing nobody on Jow Forums works.

Agreed, shitposting in my cube right now .

Lisa Su is a tranny you morons. Open your eyes.

Attached: 113_Lisa_Su.jpg (1756x2188, 1.84M)

she cute

Looks less like a man than your mom, and she managed to shit you out.

AMD is just as Jewish as Intel.

>oi you chink cunt, dyou speak english?

Attached: lisa_su.jpg (648x414, 35K)

>most powerful women
she probably wouldnt even like this recognition. she seems to actually not want special treatment for being a woman.



Thank you based mommy Su

Attached: mommy cheer up.png (1198x1198, 963K)

Why is she so smug?

Attached: AMD-Lisa-Su-with-EPYC-Zen-2-64-Core-CPU.jpg (626x380, 40K)

why does she look like a guy

By looking like a guy, mama Su performed better than a guy.

Asian genes

she is holding a chip that deliberately spells an H for Holocaust and getting away with it, of course she would be smug

i'd be also smug if my company destroyed the competition for less than 1/10 the cost in R&D.

Imagine being such a jew that you worship a company lmao

Holy shit, kys.



>thanks Jewsa Su! mainstream CPUs topped at 350$ for a decade, but I'll be a good goy and shill the 750$ new top of the line from my Athlon200GE.

Attached: apu derp HD.jpg (1920x1541, 145K)

What retarded reasoning is that?
You can still get perfectly good $350 CPUs. It's not like they're gone.

>good $350 CPU
LMAO. Next you'll be telling me about your good $25k car.