Tfw fascists were the good guys all along

>tfw fascists were the good guys all along

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Meritocracy is inherently racist.

what the fuck does that even mean. what is he fightingagainst?

Jow Forums

>our work
notice how their definition of making software dev a safe space is to make it a hostile space to anyone who can actually accomplish anything

Fascists want to stop us creeping in the women's bathroom!

Ah yes, the "myth" of meritocracy.

Trannies have done more damage to the open source community than microsoft at this point
Change my mind

No they aren't. You won't use this situation as a tool to bullshit me into believing your schizo tales, stormnigger.

they'll destroy it and move on like they've done dozens of times, it's about power not legitimate interest

Moral syphilis.

>myth of meritocracy

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>tweetbot for mac
opinion discarded

what a fucking retard.
it was never "their" work to begin with.
it is everybody's. that is decided every time they hit "commit" under the license they themselves chose.
what kind of entitlement issues do you have to have to think otherwise

>our work
all she does is write documents and then force other people to sign them

>Campaigns against hierarchies
>Establish own hierarchy

>fascists calling people outside their circlejerk fascists
Also if I was a woman I would feel my work jeopardized by these wannabewoman

>meritocracy is fascism
Yep, he's a Bolshevik.

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She build new open source license, she want bully projects until use it.

This license is like code of conduct for usages and programmers.

Now your software belong to this man.

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I didn't sign shit

Why do these people throw the word fascist like it's nothing? An actual fascist would have this creature dead or incapable of even speaking his/her/whatever mind.

Yes, that is the point.

Not if certain ethnic groups aren't disproportionately effected by poverty, and there is equal opportunity.

>tfw coraline will never plunder your booty.


I actually genuinely like the idea of some sort of Hippocratic Oath for programmers.

But it gets messy, what if I build an open source library, and through 4 levels of transitory dependencies IBM builds a word-processor that happens to be used by, say, the KKK.

I'm not sure how something like this could be enforced. Or alternatively, who would be liable here - IBM or KKK or me.

heil hitler me bruddahs

>myth of neutral tech and meritocracy
>"our" work
>said on twitter
>sent to twitter via tweetbot for Mac
The future of open sores.

seeHe's just trying to shill his bullshit, unenforceable "Hippocratic license" that he came up with yesterday, the only noteworthy part of which is
>The software may not be used by individuals, corporations, governments, or other groups for systems or activities that actively and knowingly endanger, harm, or otherwise threaten the physical, mental, economic, or general well-being of """"""underprivileged"""""" individuals or groups.
Which can alternatively do absolutely nothing, or be used by whoever wrote the software to suck money out of every user or fork they don't like. In the name of social justice.

>I am trans, I am powerful, and I am beautiful.

what a sad existence.

Imagine hating yourself so much that you constantly need to shit on everyones hobbies to distract yourself from the inevitable facelift (rope).

>Not if certain ethnic groups aren't disproportionately effected by poverty, and there is equal opportunity.
A rich NIGGER is still dumber than a poor white or asian

> Degenerate insecure mentally disfigured trannyfaggot

Think of your code as a gun.
You build a target pistol and somebody uses it for murder, several times.
Are you complicit?
It could be a steak knife, used to butcher children.

wtf, i love the nsa now!

Advocates of such an ethical position want you to license your software with a non-free licence that prevents unethical use. If you value software freedom, you should respect freedom 0, full stop. If you are more concerned with projecting your morality than respecting the autonomy of others, you may as well make your work proprietary.

Nobody should be held responsible for how others use the things we create. I would no more condemn a programmer for the use of their scripts in a KKK genocide drone than I would condemn an light arms manufacturer whose guns were used in a mass shooting, a cutlery company whose knives were used for self harm, or any number of scientists whose research became the basis of high explosives and biological/chemical/nuclear weapons.

So thats why they got rid of Stallman

Programmers don't need a Hippocratic oath, unlike physicians whose job it is to fix people's bodies and keep them as far away from death as they are willing to be. Programs are tools.
What all these hurt feelings and dumb drama about programming stems from, as far as I can tell, is the way popular code repository sites work, which let anyone see your code and let anyone harangue you for changes to your software, in particular changes they wrote.

i feel like they're attacking a strawman of meritocracy unique to the shithole that is san francisco and not the ideal

Because right now the word still has some power, and they're going to abuse that power to make themselves look/feel more important until every last drop of it has been wrung out of the word.
And then inevitably, when an actual fascist comes, no one will have the word with appropriate power to warn others of him, and we will be destroyed.
Same thing with racist, rape, etc.

It's just people who read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" and took the exact wrong lesson from it.

>be government
>want to do evil
>"oh, this software license says we can't use it for evil things. fuck, what do we do now. evil cancelled"

No, look, meritocracy has to go, because too many dumb broads submitted shit code in pull requests, so they all got together and demanded that anyone who stood in their way be removed, blaming the HaTrEd and SeXiSm that like, ALWAYS shows up whenever someone gets to choose whose code to use because all fucking white males who don't fall prostrate before feminism are monsters and deserve to be unpersoned and their work turned over to me and my friends.

This. I also forgot to post some of those uh, "ethical" licenses.

I wonder if she is a tranny.

Of course she is a tranny.

>limiting gender options

To the trash it goes.

the real question is why do you care if the KKK uses your code?

Not like we're talking about a fucking missile guidance system.

Enjoy your commie utopia Jow Forumsnu tards, you made your bed.
Linus had to bend over and basically give control away of the community to trannie SJW's to avoid getting metooed, your lord Stallman got metooed.
You invited these vermin into your code, now its just a matter of time before it eats you all from inside.
It was a good run while it lasted.
Now you can just pirate windows and be done with the charade.

imblying they're not just useful idiots

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Why doesnt this man stop dressing up as an ugly woman and just GROW UP?

>open source
>use mac

Neutral anything is fascism.
Judging people by their work and not their background is fascist.

That license goes against FSF freedom 0. It is not a free software license by definition.
Not that he'd know.

never actually wrote any working code

This. This is not libre (or "open source") software. What a joke.

Sorry, this tranny will kill or surrender FSF

and that's a good thing #cancelfreedom

>implying trannies make their own shit
Libreboot is my favorite example because I've worked on Coreboot/ports myself. This cock sucking faggot literally strips out all the proprietary bits that make the machine functional but aren't even harmful, purely because they're "muh non-free".

All the actual innovation and thousands of man hours of reverse engineering is done by straight white and asian males and these mentally ill shitters fork our hard work and add a code of conduct to it. In Coreboot images we can now strip out the IME/TXE firmware thanks to the me_cleaner project. But having a couple hundred KB of boot code running on the IME for main core init and BIOS handoff isn't good enough for these freetard trannies.

Having to work with SJW took me from commie shitlib to literally Hitler in less than a year. I hate these fuckers so goddamn much. They deserve to be curb stomped and lit on fire.

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antifa and sjws in general are the fascists in the very meaning of the word tho

>Libreboot, FSF, RSM

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So we're now at the stage where trannies pretend "WE WERE THE ORIGINAL X THING".

what is her github?

>be me
>Islamic terrorist
>wants to use some open source shit
>wait lmao I can't use it to kill Jews wtf
>finds loophole
>kills creator of license
> post it on Twitter
> "HEY guys terrorist here, the old license was causing trouble, so all your rules will fumble, and will be replaced with GPLv3, elegant you see, if you don't like change then your a nazi"
>check github project
> "Due to unforseen circumstances a poor POC was unable to use our products for his purposes, so we have switched to GPLv3"
>goes to Israel
>shoots up Ashkenazi jews
>Terrorists win
>doesn't get on the media
>not jailed
>wait why
>finds out Israel is nonexistent and illegitimate
>therefore the people of Israel do not exist and theoretically if they do they are not true humans
>mfw technically shooting at nothing
>mfw it wouldn't be a crime to destroy Israelites
All that work for nothing except salvation

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git clone this

This stupid faggot never did anything, his only accomplishment is this code of conduct.

seethe, nigga


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Implying they aren't employed by Microsoft.
You know how police sometimes embed themselves into a crowd like anarchists? Trannies in open source are the way corporations first break up the crowds and then take control of it.


what the actual fuck bro

>all that chinese spam in the issues tracker
>now tranny spam too
maintaining this repo must be painful

Would anyone listen to this person if they weren't trans? In other words, would they have any influence in computing if they weren't trans? Explain to me why these fringe extremists are encourage to mess up life for everyone else? Is it intolerant not to let lunatics run the asylum in 2019?

>implying killing kikes is bad
If kikes always tell us that they're "God's Chosen People" then it makes perfect sense that they all should be sent to him.


Stop using that buzzword.

found her fanfiction slackbot (over 1M lines long)

hitler was the good guy and white people should be proud

time to close your source

>meritocracy is bad
then I'll just promote my cis friends, even if they suck at programming.

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>cis friends
What? Not American btw.

cis = normal

the fuck is this fever dream

then say normal

You just learned this?

i am not this guy he is also making fun of people who says cis.

lol no company (or individual for that matter) is going to touch that shit with a ten foot pole
GPL: Yeah do what you want with it just don't commercialize it
this shit: You didn't give that homeless man a dollar yesterday say goodbye to your web framework shitlord

Stormniggers get the package too

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So are they gonna regress into some weird mix of programmers who write quick and unoptimized hacks and luddites lol

If you start caring about the "consequences" of your code you're gonna stop using open source licenses if you reach the logical conclusion of that

lol fucking destroyed

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it's a brumpf/ICE reaction that will solve itself in 5 years

I'm a fascist but if our opponents are deranged trannies we won't even have to put up a fight to convince people to vote for healthy families and tradition as opposed to bug-eating, onions-drinking mental cases

>our work

Kind of ironic coming from a fascist

>we won't even have to put up a fight
And we're fucking losing
These assholes literally control all corporations and those corporations own the government

until they say the word "union", they're just useful idiots

>I'm a fascist
>won't even have to put up a fight to convince people
Holy shit Jow Forumstards are fucking worthless. The most outspoken yet won't do shit when the time for action is necessary. Kid themselves with "we don't even need to do anything heh" despite getting are asses handed to us by corps and the media for years.
We have been fighting yet they always manage to cement themselves more while we get pushed out

Someone seriously needs to take one for the team and stop this thing from breathing anymore.

meant to be quoted to