Would you climb this tower if you were paid $85,000 to do so?

would you climb this tower if you were paid $85,000 to do so?

you must do it the same way as the men in the video so you don't get straps or belts or anything extra for safety.
I may allow a pre-placement of parachutes at the top so if you wish you can parachute down rather then climb back down manually.
Also you can use whatever footwear or gloves you want for added support, that is ok.


Attached: shanghai-tower-climb.jpg (720x445, 57K)


$85,000 or a quick death


Is that how much he made from the video?

I don't believe he was paid for doing it and it was probably technically illegal to sneak into the work site to do the climb.

Nope. Fuck that.


Hell no. My palms are sweating just from looking at the video. I wouldn't stop trembling if I was up there.

I mean ad revenue, it has 74m views

I don't know the answer to that but I would think its a possibility.



I wouldn't parachute down though. Parachuting in the middle of a city like that with no prior experience (me) is just asking for trouble.

Yes, unironically.

shit I would do that for free if I could

No, I'm a pussy.

Too fat.

Sorry OP, I'm simply too fat to climb that many stairs.

money money money

I am absolutely terrified of heights so even if I wanted to I probably couldn't do it.

also for context I'm the type of person who when they're near a ledgr they get vertigo and think they're falling off even if they're holding onto a bar for dear life

