apparently one of the two jets from the black hole in the center of our galaxy is directly aimed at US!


sorry, source is in german

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Other urls found in this thread:


here is an english sauce


Bring it on, universe. My anus is ready.

US btfo

goody goody! let's get comfy!

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this is nothing that happens within a few months or something

its a constant. there is nothing to expect. its just something to be aware of.

It began in 2012

this will trigger sun micro nova, that will trigger pole tilt, that will wipe 99.9999% of humans on the planet

I am getting a power upgrade. There is nothing to worry of

im gonna tilt my pole in your ass, jean


that specific black hole is the one that the greys inscribe their wills into us from

so what are you worrying about we are not in the US
amerimutts will be bloown the fuck out

Either we will be forced to bring the world under the control of a totally white global superstate so that we can harness all of the world's resources to find us a suitable alternative to Sol, or we can march into extinction as a species. Either outcome is fine with me.

why do these threads always fill up with such mind-boggling retards?

I feel like I'm on fucking facebook or a youtube comment section. People here are no longer ironically retarded, they are just actually retarded.

I'm sick of you fucking retards, go somewhere else for fucks sake

wtf a plasma jet just flew over my house


and ends in 2020

A Milky Way just flew over my house

Do you subscribe to Suspicious0bservers, based Frenchanon?

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good. i hope we all die


black hole sun about toe fuck shit up lads

Any community that gets its laughs...

It's almost like sending messages to outer space was a bad idea or something

A Snickers just went up my asshole.

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I'm literally not in any position to do anything about it this year or the next. I guess I'll just have to embrace death.

Putin did it. It's a secret Rooskie weapon!

The left can't meme and they don't appreciate comedy

We're trapped here forever.

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there is something fishy about the story tho.

the black hole creates a disk shaped galaxy.
and the jets emerge from the upside and downside.
but the earth is within the disk. so that means the jets shouldnt be able to reach us.

Came here to say this. Outshitposted by a Dane or Swede or whateverthefuck

>Our core black hole is pointing its jets at us.
No it is. And it wouldn't

that was an observation directly done by proper scientists using proper observatories and the articles are hosted on proper websites. what are you implying?

and nothing fucking happened
untrue and homosexual


him and I do my own recherche ....

That's going to be quite a mess. Don't expect me to clean it.

Good. Fry them burgers.

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>two jets

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The only black hole I see is your anus.


>Jets of light
Oh no

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That explains TrumpTARDISM.

>aiming at the us...
>flying around space at gorillions of miles an hour
how is it aiming at anything ? like seeker missle? what reputable "Scientists" and "Journalists" produced this

>apparently one of the two jets from the black hole in the center of our galaxy is directly aimed at US!
But God certainly isn't real, right?

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>what are you implying?
You’re a proper twat

>nothing can escape a black hole, not even light
>we can see a black hole shooting stuff at us

Those lights are actually huge bursts of X-rays and gamma radiation.


Black hole jets can't melt Earth!

Finally it's happening

NO it isn't, this just means the theories for black holes, dark matter and dark energy are bullshit because their models are absolutely retarded and observations aren't lining up with them.

Dude 95% of ahit from space/nasa/jpl is literally just sci fi. They do t know shit, all the images you see are artist depictions and its all a biiiiiiig scam.

Are we all gonna die? Well, yes … but not from the radio jet pointed at us by the evil Sgr A* black hole. It’s 25,640 light years away, so it’s not going to hurt even if you stare directly at it through the world’s larges telescope without proper eyeshades.

Hawking radiation is blackbody radiation that is predicted to be released by black holes, due to quantum effects near the event horizon. It is named after the physicist Stephen Hawking, who provided a theoretical argument for its existence in 1974.

Hawking radiation reduces the mass and energy of black holes and is therefore also known as black hole evaporation. Because of this, black holes that do not gain mass through other means are expected to shrink and ultimately vanish. Micro black holes are predicted to be larger emitters of radiation than larger black holes and should shrink and dissipate faster.

Prove it

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Jow Forums generally hates newfags.
Jow Forums did everything it could to attract newfags and boomers during the 2016 election.
This is the result.

youtube.com/watch?v=Z25_T_wkAV4 If we see it activate we'll probably be dead quickly afterwards.

Fuck off 6th grade dropout.

This poofter has nuts up his arsehole

Black holes don't exist, singularities don't exist, event horizons don't exist, dark matter doesn't exist, dark energy doesn't exist.
If we live in a big bang universe there can only be one black hole, they did some fucky math to make it so there are black holes everywhere to explain the shit they're seeing at the centers of galaxies, but their models for gravity are also fucky because they exclude things that aren't gravity.

Can confirm, 2016 newfag here and indeed, I am retarded.

as a canadian im surprised that you are not aware that pretending to be retarded is the highest form of comedy and the more difficult it is to tell if someone is pretending to be retarded or actually retarded, the funnier it gets. that's why flat earth threads are basically the funniest shit on the planet.

Why he got deeze nuts up his man colon?

Black holes are still a theory, you're the high school drop out for not knowing a big bang universe only allows for one black hole.

Sweet can’t wait to be radiated away

>international team of astrophysicists discovered that the jets are composed primarily of electrons and atomic nuclei, including those from heavy metals, such as iron and nickel.

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that rule is also why earth is shit. everyone just pretends. wake up and start being honest again.

The alpha ceph...

We don't even have a real picture of our own planet

woah, sounds like someone has ODd on sinceritypills

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A big bang and a black hole, it's the way we gotta go.

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Or maybe they are still ironically retards, but it's just you take them too seriously.

So it is not directly pointed at us you liar. At the galactic scale almost directly is so far away that it might as well not be mentioned.

>scientific consensus

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From the comment section:

>The idea that the Earth would come into alignment with a beam of energy from the galactic center, supposedly at the end of the Mayan Long Count calendar on the winter solstice of 2012, was widely ridiculed by astronomers, but it seems like it has been partially borne out. More observations of how the alignment changes may show that the peak alignment actually was in late 2012. Whether this has any metaphysical significance is another question, but it sure would be a remarkable coincidence if true.

tfw the insanity of the last decade was due to a cosmic fire hydrant drenching us

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Funny because they are actually right?

fuck off retard

It's ridiculous, like there is going to be a beam in the center of the galaxy smaller than earth and the exact dimensions of the US. ALSO ignoring the rotation of earth.

>settled science

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But, user is right..
Why the “grrrrrrrr”?

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Nice ad hominem

>Cosmic Bukkake

>mfw the world really did end in 2012

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(((they))) finally got control of spacetime?

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>A Fucking Leaf
>go somewhere else for fucks sake
Typical refugee

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I unironically blame trump

>when the tachyons reorder corporeal reality to make a bunch of space jizz irradiate your planet

Is this the source of our spiral power?

big if true

I wonder if it's always been pointed at us, and if so, is it part of the reason life started on earth. Maybe we got bombarded by high energy particles from the jet 4 billion years ago while it was still feeding on early cosmic gases, forcibly mutating RNA/DNA of protocells or first single celled organism.

Or maybe we got blackhole physics wrong and we're not looking down on a disc, but instead the blackhole is surrounded by a cloud of material so it just looks like a disc from our perspective.

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”Will they see through the wormhole into a far corner of the universe? Into another dimension? Or will they see another group of researchers from the future peering back at them”

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And, nothing happens as usual. Fearmongering cunts as our government.

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