Attached: MV5BYjIyMzg4NzgtMjJjMC00NWFhLTljYWEtOGUwYjZiYWU3NGQxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjczOTE0MzM@._V1_SY1000_SX750_AL (750x1000, 113K)

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anyone else think brie larson is a 5/10

im tired of superhero movies regardless of diversity quotas

superhero movies are for faggots and keedz noone cares.

Described her exactly that way to my friends. She looks like poor cosplay.

Capeshit is over and they just won't fucking come to terms with it.

Nobody cares
Cool opinion bro. You sound like a real fun guy.
Right because superhero movies and comics are so dead and unpopular. Idiot.

I can't believe she's under 30. She looks mid 40s in her face, and possibly older in her body shape. Roastie syndrome hit her hard early

t. butthurt soi

Muuhh supahero moviezz plz speederman fuck my ass.

Her face is pretty but body is unfuckable.
t. womyn

Are the pics of her toenails real?

Fuck yeah, she's so powerful she can kill the entire MCU in a single movie.

I don't know man, went to see if there were any good books the other day

>wall of 90 different SJW strong womyns
>all villains are straight white males
>only good white guys have mental issue
>my suprise.jpg

What a disappointment, i loved old GIJOE. Snakeeyes was a fucking beast.

>Snakeeyes is dead.
>Snakeeyes is now a strong womyn.
>my suprise


absolute 5/10 bitch.
Would be invisible in real life, was obviously willing to suck her way to the top

She's an actress because of her acting talent, not exactly because of her looks, incel, basedboy, faggot,

Holly wired is chasing the SJW audience. They're aren't as many of them as they think there are.

cool wine aunt

so powerful they need daddy (((disney))) to cover their asses.

Didn't Aquaman just make a billion dollars?

>no hips
>no ass

Attached: 1464271210916.jpg (341x411, 39K)

Marvel censoring fans who hate Captain Marvel: