What are some things that get you rock hard Jow Forums?

What are some things that get you rock hard Jow Forums?

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Today was not a happy day. Happy, a feeling so important to reach, a kind of obsession of the whole world. It constantly seems to be the only reason why we all live. It is absurd that we look for an emotion as if it were a drug. I did not have time to take a sip today, although I would have liked to have it in my possession. Before going to sleep, I look at the ceiling. Translucent light illuminates the room in umbra. Both are already asleep, so I only hear how they breathe. I'll have to be the mother of this pair of parasites. That's what it seems, onions a bitch without udders that only gives carrion to their young. They do not use money here, they only give you these bonuses. Thinking about the bonds, it would be useful to remember how I got them. Or maybe not. It could be a painful memory of a rape, or the story of how to stop being a virgin. It is that simple to control reality when nobody else knows it, although I do not think anyone cares neither one nor the other. Only me, and the camera that I observe. They do this every day with hundreds of works simultaneously, so I have no reason to stand out from the others. My performance was just a tile inside a titanic mosaic whose proportions I am far from knowing. That. That way I feel more comfortable. Nobody has found anything among the billions, and if someone saw it I will never know it.
The group was separated into small groups. It's hard to believe that everyone was given a room, but that's how it was. -Each of the works has its unique characteristics.- They said by the horn.- Each one attracts in turn a consumer with equally unique tastes

eight year old boys having sex with the corpse of their grandmother's dog

To avoid surprises and confusions they must find in which group of characteristics they fit. - The crowd is scattered when leaving the scene, and we enter to another side; a square like those of the truck companies. Different roads led to different doors. Elongated beings were scattered on all sides shouting words in English as they pushed us to keep walking. -This way for bondage, tied machine fuck.- I know a little English, but they seemed to say words at random. -latex, tied, come on, latex, tied not full extreme- Between the pushes I get to enter one of the groups. Passing in one of the giantesses (that's what I'm going to call the elongated beings) was putting us in a row for everyone to enter the door of a room. Observe how all (apart from having the necklace) wore a tight plastic thing. Dresses, leggings, thongs, corsets, something. I realized that she was naked. I touched the shoulder to the one in front of me. -We had to bring something? - I said. He turned around -of what? - -From Vestimeta or not, I see that they all bring something- -No, I do not think, just what you wear before- -A good ok- -Yes-. I stayed in line there, in silence. I was naked, and it was strange. Strange, I do not know how else to describe it.

Nobody seemed to care, he probably had not even noticed. My skin is strange, in fact the neck down is unrecognizable. She does not feel stupid, but less sensitive. It's like the same sensitivity as the ears. I came to where the giantess was, she looked at me inspecting me like an insect to a flower. -What about the closure? -What does it close? -The one in your suit, where is it.- I hold my hand and I squeeze it like a sponge . -Then it's Body Paint-. He bent down to look for the objects at his feet. I take a can and he gave it to me. -Ten, you're going to put this on your skin, you're going to wait for it to dry, then you're going to have to tie yourself up in the chair. It will take a while to sound the timer Are you new? - Yes, I think so- -Well, when the machine activates it lets you get in, and do not stand still; pretend that you like it so much that you can not stand it. "She was silent as she rummaged again looking for a bucket on the floor, then took out a key. -Ten, it's door 22.- He gave me the key and a push. I left in a hurry to find the room. Arrive and close the door after me. The room was the size of a bathroom. Inside this is what there was; A camera embedded in the wall, a hospital table with straps for arms and legs, and a plastic penis mounted on a machine. Think of the

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boy smells

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cute Jow Forums boys

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holy shit i keep finding this guy

das a man

What is the name of that Hentai?

you're either peedos or full on homosexuals because cute men don't exist and boy means underage.

Hes super cute

Women getting their abs felt

is he a meeme or a thot?

I think he's just a druggie, degenerate crossdresser

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or we're underage


(this is a hypothetical please don't ban me mods)

erections are hedonism

he looks kinda weird. i think his head is too big for his body or something

Women with vaginas and XX chromosomes

maybe klinnefelter syndrome?
he looks too femenine for an average trap

He's just a manlet
I'm short and like that too

ur not as kute

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nice id lole
post pics

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There's no need to remind me
I'm sure Amei will crop up and post them soon

were you using this name when you posted them

Yeah but you'll have to go back pretty far
Plus they're super old and embarrassing

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>eveyone with a "boy"friend is a pedo
nice one

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holy crap it's a black trap

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black traps best traps

h-haha yeah

i think i saw you before actually but idk if that was a different black trap

it's funny, when you take amphetamine as a drug, it makes your penis shrink while not erect, even though you're way more sexually excited then. i either masturbate every hour once then or just rub my dick in my pants slightly for a long period of time, like 2 to 3 hours. often, when i do the latter one, it leads me to do the first. and then my dick is bone hard. even without an orgasm, the masturbating feels extremely pleasing, and, because it's harder to get to the orgasm while on amphetamines, you can keep this up for quite some time. and once you get to the orgasm, you go fucking nuts. you masturbate way faster, making you sweat your clothes often. the cum shoots out way stronger and it is thicker and a lot more than usual

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sexual degenerate taking amphetamines.
why am i not surprised?

drugs sound fun , how do you get them without having any connections? is the dankweb the only option?

I've been here for a while, might have been me
