Hey everyone!! this is my first time on Reddit so im not sure how this works out, but i learned some reddit words

Hey everyone!! this is my first time on Reddit so im not sure how this works out, but i learned some reddit words.
r/wooosh am i right haha
anyway please be sweet, im new here. How do you create an account?
edit: apparently i have to choose a picture too before i can post, so here's a cute doggo hihi

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hello and welcome to our secret far-right neo-nazi forum. i hope you have fun here!

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Thank you very must, it is very kind of you.
How do i add you ass friend??!!

Hi there, welcome to our subreddit :)
Have fun and make sure to upvote the posts you like! :D

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thank you very much!! i tried to like ur picture of ur cat, but im not sure how to.
Hahah sorry im kinda off a noob, i prob just need to be here for a while and learn the stuff.
how do i find the r/woosh thing, i wanna woosh people hihi

a saw some of SorrowTV's youtube videoes, with reddit stuff. Have you seen him? they are pretty funny

haha i found this funny picture of a cat eating ice cream, i wanna share to all my new friends. Hope you like it

Attached: cat_eating_fancy_ice_cream.jpg.838x0_q80.jpg (838x648, 63K)

No...it can't be....
The return of Chara/Asriel??????

Hi there new friend!
Idk what that is hehe

the filename says fancy ice cream but I wouldn’t exactly consider a strawberry cornetto “fancy”

hi my first time on Reddit im dad ;))))

Hihi your very funny. I like you.
Will you add me ass friend? idk how to

oh haha thats right. Maybe the cst thinks its fancy hhah. But it is a very cute cat. I can find some more funny cat pictures if u like

i found this sweet cat, its looking silly but its cute

Attached: cats-are-by-far-the-funniest-pet-1-480x360.jpg (480x360, 21K)

ahahaha yes.,, simply type in your phone number, full name, address and credit card number in the "name" field

Will you be able to see it, or is it just for reddit to make my account?

its for account creation purposes

thank you
i tried to fill in, how do i make password

wait i think this is wrong.
ar u lying!!??

type it in the options field

no im a jew i cant lie, silly :)

okay thsnk you

haha im sorry for doubting you.
I trust you. Thank you vety much for setting up my account.
How do i serach for a subreddit?

i found another silly cat for you hehe hope you like it

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i found a funny picture for u haha

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just remember to stay upvoted

bad thread


best thread in ages

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