Stop eating

stop eating

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>dutch american

start eating
get thicc and soft and cuddly

Attached: (m=e-yaaGqaa)(mh=2zE32vLjfXkxC0pN)original_280799162.jpg (575x323, 42K)

Stop breathing

korbo, youre a failed tranny

stop breathing

fucking faggots

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fat fat fat

My body type is pretty close to that. I'm 108 lbs and 5'8. I wish girls weren't so unattracted to skinny fucks like me

you seem to like faggot so much

I like no faggot my Lord the blood wolf despises them so as do i

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you keep telling yourself that and youll miss out on all the fun

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I am not a slaanesh worshiper I take no joy in such things

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Why are you all so gay?

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fat fat fat mad nigger

racism not okay

im also not fat

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racism is just fine

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ur fat

prove it

fat fat fat mongolid RUtranny


prove it fatty