I like being an attention whore and having a lot of orbiters in my discord server to give me all their love and...

I like being an attention whore and having a lot of orbiters in my discord server to give me all their love and attention.

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you need to leave

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Are you worth orbiting? Do you send nudes and flirt and play games with them?
Also that picture is unironically scary and disturbing as fuck.

You don’t have any friends that’s why you never needed to use it

>Are you worth orbiting?
Yep definitely
>Also that picture is unironically scary and disturbing as fuck.
I know lol that’s why I like it so much

You can only say yes definitely if you send nudes and videogame

>thinking e friends are real friends

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Yes definitely

Well I never had any real friends so I don’t have a good example of what real friends are like
But Either ways you’re talking to humans and bonding with them so what’s the difference

Alright I'll bite, what's your stats. Body type, ethnicity, boob size, height/weight

My online friends came and visited me when they got married in my state, e friends are just as meaningful if not more than random fags you met at the bar

Data mining cia nigger not today

>actually wanting to talk and bond with other humans
>meeting people IRL that you know over the internet
your not very bright are you

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How about your blood type

Jesus you're one of those weird insecure schizo fags aren't you

Then you’re a huge faggot for talking to me
I don’t even know that

where the fuck do you think we are? but really you shouldn't meet internet people you never know who you are dealing with anybody can pretend to be anything or anyone
but I'm not bonding with you I'm just calling you a faggot

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I'm bored and will probably abandon thread, I guess your intention was only attention seeking in nature for baits rather than looking for more friends anyway. Have a slightly above average day

I guess that's the difference between a grown ass man and whoever you are. Perhaps a girl yourself, I don't know any guys who are opposed to meet ups after all. Especially vets

In every thread we’re bonding
Eventually you’ll be sucking my fem dick without even realizing it! :3
I genuinely hate attention whoring
But that’s what happens when you’re too sad and lonely desu

now dude I'm a guy but I'm not some retarded norime meeting some person of the internet never a good idea

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