Mods stole all my points

>Mods stole all my points
Can I get some Fs in the chat please

Attached: 065A2CD1-B515-4A97-A954-2A74CA822ADF.jpg (700x366, 72K)



do we only get one like?

I only have 2 I guess so I cant do any Facebook stuff

one like then like a 2 minute cooldown till next like

oh okay thanks kind stranger


How many did you have?

Your fortune: Good Luck

what the fuck is an F

Attached: 1554161030557.jpg (300x286, 35K)

aw yiss just unlocked a whole bunch!💢

*testing testing 123*🐷

Damn, that sucks lad⚾

Oh nice I can do it now🐼

Heads OP does not get anything. Tails OP is thrown into the pit of failCoin Flip: Heads

Attached: 1375267817642.gif (283x230, 675K)

You lucked out OP.



Case sensitive

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

just copy and paste, don't be a fag lmao


Attached: b4367d3494ad3e8ee556b2e512a1ec24.png (536x634, 355K)

That can't be right. I've given you more than two on my own.


Attached: beingthiscucked.gif (800x800, 53K)

It's a meme that originated from Call of Duty Advanced Warfare where it prompts you to press F to Pay Respects on PC during a funeral scene

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