Last night i had a really weird dream. In that dream, there was a small...

Last night i had a really weird dream. In that dream, there was a small, really poor and desolate looking small city and i could see mountains in a distance. It was night and i was walking around in a place that appeared to be a park, although it was really poorly maintained and full of trash and graffiti.

There i met two girls or young women, around 15 to 20 years old. They were sitting at the park bench drinking vodka.
Although i knew that i did not know them, i sat with them and offered them more booze (which i think was moonshine, made by myself) and so we went on for a time.

At some point i gave them some pills, from a box with a cyrillic writing on it, there it's worth mentioning that the dream-me couldn't read them but not because it was a foreign language but because i know how to read at all and to me they were just random markings. I have no idea what they were but the dream-me know exactly well what they do. We were wandering around the city, which was now almost empty of people. At some point the other girl left our company and i found myself walking with the other one on the very edge of the city, from where we headed to the forest.

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The next thing i remember was waking up (in the dream still) alone and naked in a dark room with really damp air, which smelled like mold and something rotten. I lit an old oil lamp i had next to me on the floor.
In my hands, i had a large black plastic bag. In the bag there were burned bones of most of, if not the complete human skeleton, excluding the skull that was surely missing. They were burned not as if the corpse had been cremated, but as if they were slowly roasted over an open fire whilst the flesh was removed bit by bit until not much was left. This felt no shocking at all, as if it was completely normal to wake up alongside a dismembered body.

This is where this gets interesting. I woke up for real, and usually when i wake up in the midst of a dream i'm really confused for a while and i'm not sure am i awake or not, and i almost immediately forget most of what i had dreamed. Usually when i dream, the dreams are completely absurd and the protagonist is still recognizably me, even if the stuff that happens doesn't make the sense at all.
Now this didn't happen. It's like i just suddenly hopped from one reality to another. All that i dreamed felt completely realistic and i remember even the small details, and none of it feels out of place. The person in the dream was not me nor had he anything to do with me.
Then i remembered. I had had something similar happening before.

Kill yourself

The one dream that came back to my mind was nothing but a glimpse. It was a dark night again. I was sitting at a fire in a forest, just doing nothing but staring at the flames, listening to some bug having bug noises and doing what bugs do. It was a really short and boring dream.
Then another, it was night again. Not that dark so it was either just after the sun had set or just before it would be raising again. I was sitting at a doorstep of what looked to be a long-abandoned farmstead, it had more or less turned back to earth. I was sitting there, again that old oil lamp as my light source, cleaning a rifle and looking down the mountains where the farmstead seemed to be somewhat high on. Everything i saw was covered in a thick cembra pine forest that seemed really untamed and ancient.

All these dreams felt exactly the same and they are set in the same area, which, if it exists, i think is located somewhere in the eastern Ural mountains.

Nice thread OP but I didn't read any of it.

The reason I'm posting is to see if your wish will come true.

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Why bully?

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lets hope the russian bot will stop spamming

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Don't worry about the Itallian, he's always butthurt.

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here' a dream I had last night, it even has some minor parallels to the ones you described spooky, innit'?
I was a a train station waiting for a Train I used to ride but for some reason the name had a "b" at the end
I got on yet the train moved in the opposite direction it usually would. I talked to someone else in the train and speculated that it would go to the end of the line and then turn back in the direction I wanted to go, but decided to get of earlier and wait for a different train actually going the direction i wanted to go.
I got of and found myself on a small dirt path going towards what I assume was a small eastern European village and on the side of the path was a small stand somehow related to a radio show that set up shop in the village and was broadcasting from there.
I somehow just new that and also the fact that the soviets had invaded the village recently and decided to kill a bunch of people and forced everyone to wear a bunch of shitty clothes that kinda looked like old timey bed wear.
when I got to the village there was some sort of scaffold tower(maybe broadcasting equipment?) with a bunch of decapitated heads stuffed inside and a bowl at the top with a fire and more heads.
I got to my dimly lit completely tiled hotel room which only had two toilets and a shower and decided to stay inside because i was afraid the soviets would chop of my head since I wasn't wearing the mandated clothes
one of the toilets was super grimy so I tried to clean it but for some reason my family came to visit me.
I asked my mum for help with the cleaning and then she pointed out that there were a bunch of hairs in the shower
and that was all I can remember

Maybe you will know the rest of the story in another night. Most of my dreams are parts of the same thing they don't always have the same characters and locations but something was part of another dream.

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this is a epic thread op!!!

>germans are this scarred from soviet occupation

Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.

fuck bumpcult and fuck cirno

*shits all over u and your dumb post*
*u become full of my shit and die*

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I had a dream last week where I woke up on a train with a friend sleeping on my shoulder. It was dark and I couldn't see anything but I think no one was there. The train stopped, I woke up my friend and we went outside. The train line name was "B". I started walking, she was really sleepy so I carried her trought a city where I could just see silhouettes of buildings. We got to a hotel, I spoke with the guy in the counter in german (he was the only one there) and after we walked a bit the door to our room appeared and I woke up.

What if all places we dream about are all actually always the same for everyone else, like we inherited a copy of blank default dream locations and events, but it get disordered and twisted up for each person differently?

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>from a box with a cyrillic writing on it
>were just random markings
The thing written on the box was:
"Яaккo, вcтaвaй, нa бaнт пopa!"

What does it mean?

Jakko, wake up, It's time for posting!