What books do guys that look like this tend to read?

What books do guys that look like this tend to read?

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It's called "Fakaru: The Manga."

The art of obtaining kot id

LOL id check.

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I didn't even get anything interesting.

you think we know books?

WoW books

Is WoW still very active? I remember that it was a huge deal during the 2000s in MMORPG gaming, but I've never played it.


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Fuck man you're obsessed.

Never played

Obsessed with what, books? I do like to read.

communist manifesto

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Nah, they read like the tv tropes of it.

And the Cliffs Notes, Spark Notes version of stuff.

But if they get into an argument, they will still fucking tell you to read it.

the torah

I guess he would look Ultra Orthodox if he put on a black suit and a fedora.

40K novels and A Song Of Ice And Fire

Yeah no. You're the same guy that keeps obsessively spamming about this retard. And also the same guy who kept spamming le ebin hitler threade. I judge you to be highly autistic in a manner exceeding the average populace

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What kinds of Hitler threads are you talking about?

Catcher in the rye

Whatever is being made into a movie or series so they can bitch about how they did it wrong.

Ayn rand


the thousand-onions stare

The Talmud.

The God Delusion

Some random politics book and a video game magazine

Nintendo switch user manual