Which of these words or phrases do you catch yourself using? Be honest

Which of these words or phrases do you catch yourself using? Be honest.

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oof, yikes

oh boy... just shut up and listen. have you considered that maybe, just maybe, y'all do realize that you folks are bigoted and toxic? YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE.

oof only when chatting with people who knows what is Roblox
The others are 2soy4me

>it's almost as if
Probably the only unironic one I'd use, but it's perhaps the least offensive of this list.

I like this word and got it from No Country For Old Men, not from being a meme in twitter or wherever.



wait why in hell is "y'all" on there?

>i'm literally shaking rn

IMAGINE......... THE SMLLELL..... ofm y penis :)...; imagine the smell of my penis loL :)! just imagine the smell of my penis :P.... haha lol no srsly just go on and imagine.... MY PENIS :D!!!!!!!!!! my penis so cool!!!!!!!!! :OOOOO i wanna put my penise in a f*male :d.... kinda...... yeah......... my life huh............ wowzers....... yikes!.... lolz! epic style!!!!! HARLEM SHAKE ^_^!!!!!!! DO TEH GANGNAM STYLEZ!!!!!! WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP (but not the italians lulz) WOP WOPPA GANGNAM STYLE WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP WOPPA GANGANZ STLYEEEEEZ YEAHHHHHHHHH so yeah this is one of my many interests in the world of penises :P.... care to join me....... wooptafoopta?..../..

>just shut up and listen
only use it on girls. they get scared and shut the fuck up. guys the angry


I used word "toxic" a few times in one day long time ago writing something

i use yikes (and oof) ironically.
i say y'all in my day to day conversations
>not saying y'all'm'stve

i've been using friendo for years because of no country for old men. i will continue using it.

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every time I say "y'all'dn't've" I feel proud

I don't get it either. I'm from east texas and "y'all" is something almost everyone says.

Who hurt you OP?

>letting children with their shitty reddit-tier wojak rehashes dictate what you say

I figure it's just that some commies took it up into their speech to make fun of southerners (again) and started using it unironically because of the lexical gap it bridges, and then giving it a negative connotation whereelse where is ain't said a lot. That's just a guess, though.

I guess people on reddit say it to sound witty, not because they're from the South

I use some of these but ironically because they ooze onions and spinelessness

I've always had the feeling that its people trying to sound like the 'sassy black women' they idolise


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your mom

That’s some shitty bait.

They took these words from obese black women and good ol' boys.
I think oof is from Mario 64

It's called a joke, NEWGUG.

oof and yikes semi-ironically and y'all because i'm actually from the south

none of them

I say y'all because I actually live in the south.



shut up NEWGUG


13 year old girls on twitter ruined it (At least online), but I live in Texas and almost everyone uses it

Y'all. I say it all the fucking time,
but so does the majority of people here where I live.

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I only use it’s almost as if the rest that is zoomer speak I hate with a passion

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does it count if i do it ironically

None of them.

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