Post your waifu bant, and I will pass judgment

Post your waifu bant, and I will pass judgment.

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stu pickles rick

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fucking gay get this jabroni outta here

Mary Martin Peter, get over yourself incel. 200% female.

>too asian
too old
>pickle rick gay

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Fair, they are now. Back in the day she was a hot number.

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eat this piece of cheese. i put poison in it.

yeah right and I'm the princess of norway you big poof

can I have it?

rope yourself

i have some cheese without poison i can give you.

just give me the poison please

I have many waifus, but Junko is my wife.

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Ok dumb zoomer, look her up.


Oh I get it, nothing just like how many people were left alive after the stupid potato famine
What kind of cheese?
what are you gay?

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no thanks. Don't want my youtube recommendations to be tranny porn

Who are you quoting?

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Ok retard.

poison isn't cheap. i cant just give it away. i'm trying to give it to this puppy who insulted me.

Maaaaan, I was trying to be nice

Eevee is not for lewd >:(

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take a pick. i have colby jack, cheddar, and mozzarella sticks.

mozzarella sticks are good

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ok here you go. eat it and die from poison.

>lewding your waifu
Wait until marriage user

after this post begins the non-ironic posting

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ok. then i pick stu pickles rick

You kill :

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What is that cancer gif?

it's from his favorite anime rick and morty

now to skin the carcass and sell the fur.

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An Waifu from Chicago with her slutty sidekick.

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the cutest

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