Recovering alcoholic and pothead

How do you get rid of a junkie mindset? Having a really tough time with it. Any advice would help all I've done is switched it out with coffee and darts.

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No idea bud. I wish I knew. I do this everytime: switch to something else shortly after "getting clean". I would say pick something relatively safe and try super hard to not go too overboard. That's what I'm doing

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do you exercise

Yeah actually I just bought some dumbbells today

drink antifreeze

Kek very tempting

Try to occupy your time with healthy activities. Start drawing and working out, or maybe learn an instrument. Do something that interests you as a distraction and something to look forward to. Keep a routine though, if you fall out of the routine you’re more likely to relapse

simple answer is Jesus

good do some lo impact stuff, something you can do everyday but never skip a day

Drink water
Chew gum

I want to see if there's a gym nearby that does boxing and maybe learn piano.

Jesus is the only reason I quit but fuck its hard

i quit alcohol to drugs and cigaretes so now i got 2 monkeys on my back

i bought a punching bag i wouldnt worry about training just do something at your own pace & make it a routine, but of course it's up to you on that call

Thanks for the advice I really wanna get a punching bag but unfortunately I rent a room.

What is this? An addiction for ants?

That's the idea. "Smaller" addiction

ANd I'd suggest staying away from energy drinks. They're probably worse than coffee for someone with an addiction problem, since some are a lot tastier than coffee and might make you want to drink too much.

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get raped by a bus

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That's a hard no on that one bud.

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I don't know about alcohol, but anyone who claims they were "addicted" to weed is focusing on a symptom rather than the cause of their real problems.

People can become addicted to anything. Most of us are addicted to Jow Forums, even though it causes no physical addiction.

i have tried for the past two days walking. and it has helped my addiction immensely for the past two days, but for how much longer? who knows?