Stop watching porn

All sexual deviants (whores, pedos, fags, trannies, cucks, fetishists) are the result of child abuse and/or porn exposure. This includes exposure to (((media))) which is absolutely riddled with degeneracy.

Porn is (((psychological warfare))). The purpose of porn is to rewire your instinct to reproduce into degenerate lust. It creates a society that abuses their bodies for dopamine hits. It make society addicted to deviancy. You stop caring about your people and the future, and your family. It causes people to develop an irrational attachment to defending abnormal and destructive behaviors, because it has been associated with the dopamine hits that they get from the porn they see.
Sex/porn/masturbation is the worst drug there is. It is all-consuming and DESTROYS those who are exposed to it. All higher pursuits are overshadowed by it.

Why do anything else when it doesn't give as big of a dopamine hit?
Every time you masturbate to pornography you are receiving a dopamine reward (your brain thinks you're reproducing) that your brain then craves. Continuing to do this causes you to become numbed to the high, causing you to need ever-increasingly deviant and extreme material to get the same dopamine reward. This leads to further and further deviant fetishes over time. The slippery slope is real.
All faggots, 'asexuals', trannies, and pedophiles are completely controlled by porn. When 'normal' material no longer gives the same high they look for more extreme filth.
Unsurprisingly the porn industry is completely jewish run.

Attached: leslie.png (762x519, 274K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Day 2 of nofap, give me your energy bros

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here you go

Attached: white whore.webm (640x800, 932K)

If you'll give me yours. Hard habit to kick.

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not an ass nigger, nigger

Be gone, onanist

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>baguette du fromage , je suis nigger

very powerful lyrics

I was actually an Israeli poster who finally convinced me to quit porn ironically. With an infographic that really got to me.

Whore? Sorry I lost all interest in you.

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nah...i love daddy/daughter porn...wincest is best sex

we deserve to be squashed under this sheboon

Attached: alpha sheboon.webm (206x360, 1.13M)

Varg is unironically decent-ish life advice

Big foot.

Stopped porn about a month ago
Tons more energy
Stopped "needing" a nap after work
Now I work out
Jow Forums saved my life with these threads

A masturbating society is not a revolutionary society. Thank porn for this glorious period of peace and prosperity, user.

Attached: canny.jpg (703x529, 44K)

Now no internet.


how do you explain those whom are in the middle
of nowhere that no one reports on whom do rapes
daily. selfishness causes all the evil in the world.
girls do porn cause of money not cause they like

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if you cant stop fapping then just eat your cum when you finish , that why all the nutrients in the semen are recycled into your body

pic related

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