I was the man who abducted those children and framed Yonkers

I was the man who abducted those children and framed Yonkers

Attached: 1558732825010.jpg (500x336, 43K)

tell me about the holes in his wall

They were there to take images of Yonkers so that I could make a fake video where he abducts the children

Attached: 1558733496222.png (699x758, 363K)

You are an absolute saint akari man

Attached: Akari Chakra.gif (500x500, 354K)

I did it for the lulz

akariman how could you do this to me that's it you're fucking grounded grounded grounded go to your room now

speak english

Plz 4 give me . I will do anything. Do not spank me again.

Attached: 1558647049991.jpg (700x989, 296K)

I need a pic of akari’s Ass to spank animate.

Attached: __akaza_akari_yuru_yuri_drawn_by_masamuuu__34e2e8b101b69c37b0b6b0fdbd23b8d3.jpg (800x924, 126K)


Attached: __akaza_akari_yuru_yuri_drawn_by_toumin__ea9f7c21bc3ff78593f617b355e80a19.jpg (1000x1000, 242K)

I have more but don't want to porn dump

Attached: __akaza_akari_yuru_yuri_drawn_by_arisu_kazumi__b0a60083a5a9050c0976fb4df712e4bb.png (1200x1000, 642K)

But its not porn. If there's a penis, then its porn.

So Lesbian Sex isn’t porn?

I was implying straight porn, but there's no other female being involved. Its just images of Akari doing poses.

Hmmm perhaps

Attached: __akaza_akari_and_yoshikawa_chinatsu_yuru_yuri_drawn_by_shin_ya_shin_yanchi__51f21ddcfa1e7fc994e6184 (1075x1518, 599K)

Hmmm are you sure? If this is true I’ll have to start asking Yonkers why he stole MY APPLES

Yes very true


Fugggggggu user senpaiiiiiiii

Attached: __akaza_akari_yuru_yuri_drawn_by_takeda_yukimura__0ebe471b03777a0609c81212d385ad22.jpg (1200x1600, 672K)

this thread has been hijacked by the kahanist party of israel