All the boards, from Jow Forums to Jow Forums have their own cultures, memes, and activities. Jow Forums has nothing...

All the boards, from Jow Forums to Jow Forums have their own cultures, memes, and activities. Jow Forums has nothing. It was supposed to be a place to shove all the random shit like risk threads and HWNDU from Jow Forums, but because Jow Forums is such a small board all those thread die out on here. Jow Forums has never produced any memes. It's slower than /lit/. It's not funny. I have never laughed when I was on Jow Forums. The closest thing to a culture that Jow Forums ever had was Blepe, a worthless, shitty, stale-at-launch meme that was based entirely on ripping off Pepe. Nice work, guys. You really made a difference.

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good post

go back


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bant created a few memes in its short time

bad post

I see this is becoming a copy pasta

it's old

I'll have you know it's fresh as fuck

like yourself, newbee

In the streets out here in London, us bad boys out here with the crib, I used to have at least 3 real gangs, that's what makes me so good at raiding groups. You fags wouldn't know 2 shits about organizing a raid if your life depended on it. As the leader of PinkyBongs, I decree that you maggot wankers need to be exiled out of my domain, you don't belong here cunts. This is the true Londoner style, we here out in the streets patrolling shit and then this cunt on the internet says some shit but he doesn't know shit about my life, he doesn't know my patrol style, he don't even know I used to be gangster, yeah, that's right you retards, PinkyBong used to be real gangsta. Leader of gangsters, too, fuckers, the lot of you... god I hate you all so much and only wish death upon you. See you on the dox list, faggots..

Okay, real talk ... this board is a never ending clusterfuck of kot gets.

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Blepe is Pepe's best friend.
And it wasn't created by Jow Forums
But the same person who created pepe the frog.

Then who created Borshe a shitty farmer and Jow Forums-tan?

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borshe was created by the finland chan that made gondola

We tried to have our own culture but retards pushed it to the side in favor of cirno and kot threads.

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if no one replied to your threads they were bad threads

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That's a bed bug innit?

Have a (You) faggot

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hahahahahahahaha Brilliant

Oh shit....
well thank you for telling me who created this mother fucker.

Bamping for lul\

I knew you were not Pinkyidiot, this thread is too good for him