You must feel so proud

You must feel so proud

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be amerishart
get shot

Conservacucks must be iced to death

post klonoa


they hate us for our freedoms

the kahanist party of israel*


I say someone with jewish ancestry related to CIA
as always

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Im going with white supremacist

I bet it's either a veteran or a military brat, Virginia Beach is where spooks and officers retire to.

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nope. long-time state gov employee.

I fucking hate going to school. It's so fucking haunted that at any moment a kid could kill me and my friends. It's so fucking nerve wracking.

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At least they aren't getting skinned alive or having their hearts cut out.

Most big shootings are caused by non-whites. Also keep in mind the statistics they use include all the times niggers shoot each other.

>be mexican
>get diabetus

and total gun deaths include suicides by gun. Our gun problem isnt that bad.


half of all gun deaths in the US are suicide, and over half of those are white males over age 30.

>Providing the evidence that your claims can be considered unfalsifiable.
>Immediately defending guns before anyone says anything about them
Gee, I wonder who is behind these posts. Surely it's someone wanting to keep the debate on guns and not the fact that the US's culture incentivizes breaking down and exploiting people until the only thing they can do is rage against the machine with violent methods.

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America has a nigger problem, not a gun problem. Reckon the amount of discipline and fatherless families directly corresponds with the amount of mass shootings

You must feel so poop?

Nobody said that shootings were made by white people, if it was in the US it was in the US and that's all, a color skin isn't going to change anything

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honestly? this dude used a .45 glock with a can + happy stick.

strictly speaking it IS a pretty big step up from poverty-tier ARs.

I wish i could get the guts to kill everyone i hate haha

>be me
>school shootings so normalized people associate my looks with a school shooter
>therefore no one bullies me in fear that i might actually shoot up the school

made high school pretty ez to go through so im thankful

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Replace this with a Mexican flag, and "Days Since Last Cartel Beheading" and it'd be even more accurate ;3

well it was a nigger registered democrat lol

Not a true democrat! A cuckservative in disguise, I'm sure they will say. He just clicked the wrong thing when he registered to vote.

same here

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>Not a true democrat!

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