Hello Jow Forums

Hello Jow Forums

I want to tell you about a technology i brought.

A technology to create water. With that, everything is possible. Matter creation, space travel, you name it.

Ask me anything.

Furthermore, i would like to post this for my chosen one. The woman that loves me: i know you are out there, i know you are blonde and i know you live somewhere in germany and know me from here.

I want to tell you to meet me once ww3 has started, which will happen soon. I have everything prepared here for us two.

So much about the offtopic part.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Based schizo poster

Q predicted this I think.

As a side info, with this technology, entropy of the universe has been cancelled.

the jew alchemist is peddling his wares again

buy some technology to turn your photos the right way around

This technology is shit.

cool clock Hans, want to bring it over to Bundestag?

With this technology, even OP couldn’t get laid.

Actually, its not my phones fault its 4chans fault.


Hey I’m the voice in your head
Read “The great replacement” by Tarrant

LOL disregard my disabled brother please. We usually keep him in the basement, but he seems to have escaped! I'll beat him later no worries ;)

>brown eyes

Guys if ur not on-topic soon the mod might delete this thread and ban me. Please be on-topic and ask me about the technology.

>the mods will ban me
I see this as an absolute win.

Are you aware that i saved the fucking humanity with this technology?

Then tell us about your faggy "technology" already or fuck off. Also how can you search for a chosen one if she obviously is you who is choosing you based on this post you absolute beta shizo poster
Thanks dude

based hans. Please elaborate on the bizarre effects of charged helium particles in the vacuum of space.

*her that is choosing you

Toasting in an epic schizo thread. The first law of thermodynamics is gay

You look dead on the inside

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Can confirm that 4chimz does this to me. I have to crop photos before I post them otherwise they are rotated 90 degrees clockwise

I'll bite
"tell us about the technology"

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About time! Does that mean that the human race will live forever and ever?

if you subject a stoichiometric mixture of hydrogen and oxygen to extreme high temperature or an electric spark a self-sustaining exothermic reaction occurs which produces pure water


So firstup how i got it.

I spiritually opened myself up with a clean enough heart that i could channel it. Then it got transferred into this realm by above, and the right people received it. I was like a messenger.

Imagine u r playing stellaris and got the ascention perks, you are able to receive spiritual technology this way. This is exactly the same thing.

Now to the technology itself:

We can now create entirely new water. With that water we can extract hydrogen and use it to generate power. With that power we can create more water and so on. You can allways create more water than u need power.

Smart one's here understand it right. That means the universe left its entropy state. It can now indefinitely expand.

Every future "real" technology will be based on this. At the end of level 1 you can create matter itself. Thats as far as human imagination can go atm. But it goes on after that.

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>The woman that loves me: i know you are out there

op is delusional. Take him to the infirmary.

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I love these kinds of threads.

You are free to ask me more.

>notice the 444

You pissing in your bed is hardly new technology. If anything its a time honored tradition for genetic abnormalities such as you.

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Can we drink the water?

You didn't explain how your tech works, explain it because everyone can write some shit like this.

If only you knew how well things really are.

i can read your name tag mr water ninja in germoney

Is it a dehumidifier?

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Yes. Its even cleaner than any earth water. You can even change the water and make pure new drinks out of it.

Im not an engineer, i dont know how it works and it would be top secret anyways. Dont want the jews to have it do you?

You could make a bomb with infinite power out of it.

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Thats not a problem at all.

Based schizoposter, bless me with more details about your technology. This is a hundred times better than these tired christian schizothreads.

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Soooooo hydrogen

Alright so how do you create water? By applying electricity to something?

Okay then basically you have nothing? You had a weird dream or a shizo episode about some fucking machine but can't even explain how it works or rebuild it? Wow thanks a lot dude. Sage

if you say so Brian Kuntslur

If its cleaner than earth water can I drink my pee?

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I simply received the tech and transferred it to the chosen people. Thats called channeling. I didnt create it myself nor do i know how it works.

Its literally technology from above and the first of its kind.

I was told there is literally NO other technology of this kind on earth atm.

is it half term in kraut land

Either a time traveller or Hans forgot to take his meds.

No such thing as infinite. This LARP is fucking boring.

However in the future we can create robots that do all the work for us yet are intelligent.

All you have to do is choose the right path.

PS: nigel for pm

well then if you have no idea how it works how about transferring me a copy so I can start doing some good with it?

There is no physical copy of it in my hands, shaim

Plus the tech received divine protection, this way i made sure it can never be abused.

I know we can create water from pulling the moisture out from the air to create drinking water.

I've always thought we'd look back one day and laugh at how we wasted all of our snow. I call it white gold.

There is definitely a spiritual awakening happening.

I think technology will allow us to return to more traditional ways of life and more natural law.


If you don’t know how it works what if it stops working? We’re back to entropy again?

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>With that water we can extract hydrogen and use it to generate power
If you can generate energy by extracting hydrogen from water you should go and collect your nobel prize. with current thermodynamics, extracting the hydrogen is supposed to take more energy (or just as much in the unreachable case of a perfect reaction) than you can get from recombining it with oxygen.

>However in the future we can create robots that do all the work for us yet are intelligent.
Why not simply use polish "people" or jews or something?

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oh right they aren't intelligent sorry lmao

Ding dong.
Ping pong.
Hehe huhu.

Now go.

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As i said. With this technology you get more water than you need to create power to run it on. Thats the thing.

The tech is divine and literally causes us to leave entropy.

PS: here is something i posted before


What does it look like?

Didnt see it myself. I merely relayed it.


I know this is real for one reason
>"i would like to post this for my chosen one. The woman that loves me: i know you are out there, i know you are blonde and i know you live somewhere in germany and know me from here."
>"I want to tell you to meet me once ww3 has started, which will happen soon. I have everything prepared here for us two."
The level of Autism here is also the same level of autism required to make such universe breaking technology. It must be true or at the very least this man would be the one to make such technology.

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Poo in loo you absolute disgusting animals

Hey I recognise you from a gay porn innawoods

It will eventually come together. Just like bitcoin did. They want to silence us. But it's our duty to protect.

channel the information to me

Hes going on about solar plasma reaction that leaves pure water after the reaction. This is flat/ domed Earth theory ie waters above & waters below . The hydrogen reation of the sun creates plasma disharge 24/7 this plasma creates the electirc/magnetic DOME that we live under, every 12k years or so we get solar max/min that makes the plasma disharge ho haywire and during the reset the electric dome collapses and we get Noah/Gilgamesh flooding until the. Poles realign the plasma dome.
Blah blah something like that.
t.just my short notes on someone elses delusions.

>I simply received the tech and transferred it to the chosen people. Thats called channeling. I didnt create it myself nor do i know how it works.
How did you transfer it? What did you transfer? How do you know what you transfered does but not the vaguest idea of how? Why would they send it to you at all why not send it to who you forwarded it to directly in the first place? You provide no added value to the communication of this tech.

There is a fine line between crazy and genius.

Thanks for your trust.

Shit that makes a lot of sense actually

Nikola Tesla loved birds after all.

Cope harder. We make more on average than you on YOUR OWN country.

1. the spiritual cant be explained with material terms.

2. because i was spiritually very open and pure-hearted.

The people who received it were connected to me.

What in the

The clock cycle is real.
Think of God as an operating system.


Here are two other information on the side:

We entered aquarius and the great cycle has restarted.

Hahaha Google the average income of my country (luxembourg) it's in the top 3 of the richest countries on our fucking planet

>Furthermore, i would like to post this for my chosen one. The woman that loves me: i know you are out there, i know you are blonde and i know you live somewhere in germany and know me from here.

Virgin cringe.

I asked this old guy at work if he was getting any pussy on the side.
He replied that it had been so long since he had any that he didn't know that's where they were keeping it.

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Its a version of Velikovsky Electric Universe theory.
Interesting reading.

U a jo?

Any thoughts on this guy?
He runs the Diehold Foundation.
Fascinating man.


ungawa simbawaka
wakand mtuso

I recognize you, faggot.

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Pic not Me

Prov it
U iz a jo rice wor naw

How to prove im not a jew? My nose?

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Can't believe Mesut Ozil developed schizophrenia
Getting dropped from the German international team must have been a huge blow to him

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>Hello, thank you for calling Verizon. How may I help you?

I already do this. I bought a canister of oxygen and 2 canisters of hydrogen. Then I emptied them simultaneously into a washtub.

Disgusting fat neckbeard. Definitely a virgin. You should sage your own thread.

When this is all over, im gonna mate

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10/10 would racewar with

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Do you like to scoff your face with sausages?

Willst du mich ficken süßer

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fuck off Yugo scum