Cirno doesn't like homophobes! Don't be a stupid homophobe!

Cirno doesn't like homophobes! Don't be a stupid homophobe!

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I love this australian shitposter

Pooftahs like you belong on a cross.


thank you cirno

are you perhaps gay yonkers? are you a gay hermaphrodite?

a hermaphrodite cannot be gay if they refer themselves to an it

yonkers is big gay
sometimes he is really homophobic
so homophobic like someone who is covering up being a gay

Her writing style is a little different, not to mention Aussie Cirno poster should already have been maxed out at 3 posts
How dare you impersonate her

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then why did you thank cirno, yonkers? are you in the closet? have you not told your parents? oh jewsriel you know that isnt good for you, just accept your HEDONISTIC ANGLOOOOO ways

i thanked cirno because she is nice to the gays unlike seething people that are homophobes

why do you feel a need to protect gays then huh? are you a faggot yourself or something?

no but i wanna help them or something?

only fags spare fags

only seethers spare seethers

yonkers yonkers yonkers... i saw this post . why did you call that ANGLOOO based for making pro-gay propaganda? now youre actively helping instead of defending them? are you gay? tell me the truth yonkers.

OwO What's that? You want me to defend the gays? Okay!

yonkers yonkers yonkers... why are you gay? you arent answering my question. who touched you? who abused you? was it your mom? is that why you murdered her and cry for a goat mom on here?

i already have a goat mom you fucking idiot
i just moved away from my parents to undertale

did your parents abandon you? is that why there’s a hole in your wall? you tried to make a glory hole in the hopes of some xeno creature coming and sucking you off but all you got was a cracked wall. why did you do this? was it to satisfy a primal urge that only sex with other male creatures can?

i don't even like xeno creatures or xeno porn

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