Day 206

day 206

Attached: Marisaspaghetti.png (450x500, 354K)

if you ignore this comment you get 1 free wish

Attached: Mari.jpg (1496x1164, 224K)




why did you not want your wish

Attached: afhfjfa.jpg (288x247, 31K)


i wish i had the drive to do the things i have passion for

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Why is this so early

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what are you doing

Attached: Chen.jpg (240x240, 16K)

Just do it

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I was keeping nice people up late

Attached: reisen crying in a box.jpg (240x320, 45K)

uh i don't know there are lots of things
it's ok i probably would've stayed up late anyway

Attached: yumm.jpg (1016x1130, 321K)

Ah ok thanks but this is really early now

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you should take a greater interest in the things you like
then tell me all about them so I can hear about all the nice things you're doing

Attached: duhhh.png (474x461, 194K)

ok I'll do it later than this

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Cursed image

d*sc*rd psyop

I'm still hurt by what the leaf said yesterday about my relationship with Satori

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well for instance i found something in my backup that i didn't know i had so now it will be easier to reinstall gentoo, but i've had the installation cd on my computer since last night and only entered a few commands
i guess it's just laziness

Attached: C0127F34E5494ADB9F97612ABD30F138.jpg (1024x1024, 653K)

Of course it's cursed, it has been made by a cursed user

just back from the archive
it seems you hit a nerve there
why don't you exploit that

Attached: heh.jpg (850x1665, 208K)

close. your. browser.

Attached: Books.png (1080x844, 568K)

No more touhou furries
Because I don't want to, he's a nice person and gave me advice on how to make the best out of my raging fucking hormones by putting them into weightlifting and making my physique better. I just want his daughter's hand in marriage

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i need my browser to read the instructions

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just because



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actually i'm using the clover m*bile app but i'll close it

Attached: flanbox.gif (1437x945, 365K)

y u gotta take everything so seriously
save some sweet and hard-to-find Satori images, you haven't even shown any effort yet

Attached: ehhh.jpg (239x224, 20K)

Attached: Bbutitsyourmothers_ed8767db3d899e44345b82db5a43b219.jpg (228x226, 32K)

stop using weird names

Attached: ahaha no pls.png (552x584, 236K)

Fine, my efforts shall not go to waste. I don't know how I haven't shown effort yet though

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But, its Ade (you) nickname.