Surprise penis inspection

It has come to our attention that Jow Forums penis health hasn't been controlled in a long time which is contrary to regulations. Reminder that if your pee-pee is smaller than12 centimeters, we will have to cut it off, user, as mentioned in the New Global Patriot Act, Inceldom Management and Countermeasures Chapter, Paragraph 3-B.

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cum bucket girl looks like she's having a nice day.

if i unleashed the full power of BWRC, all f*males would be dead in an instant, but i must hold back as many other things would be dead as well, such as this shitty discord thread

haha benin :DDD

>if i unleashed the full power of BWRC

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snip bepid snip benpsi

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wow hot

Eugenics is cringe


Me on right

my bopnis is above the limit so i get to keep it :DD


No it's not.

> Inches
my penis is not in inches and not cuted foreskin

Good for you.

>smaller than12 centimeters
I don't have exactly a huge dick, but if your penis is under 12, just kys.

Ok you bad asses so my penis is shorter than that. Come and get me.


>6 inches
mai wiener

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It is the law

>12 centimeters
Are you fucking kidding me? I could fit that pp in my pp.