I finally did it. I'm joining the military. Was feeling bummed because I need a waiver for my bad hip but I got in...

I finally did it. I'm joining the military. Was feeling bummed because I need a waiver for my bad hip but I got in. Finally gonna get my shit together.

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well done OP
try not to get shot

i'll be seeing you at the end of my blade you dog

nice, best of luck

Go get that training for the shooting later, good luck user

Which branch?
Inb4 chair force

Good luck, friendo.
It's gonna be rough,
but you can do it.

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Thanks bros.

Navy. Gonna go pick my rate next week.
Was going to do air force because of my bad hip. Different branches evaluate you differently but thankfully my waiver was accepted for the navy.

No u.

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You can finally die for Israel

Ohhhh good job man. I almost made it into their nuclear engineering program but they didnt accept my waiver.

good luck fighting for ZOG

Dang user...What did you get on your asvab also why didn't they accept you waiver

Unironically this. Doesnt matter how much they pay. I would never sell my life and soul for Israel.

When you're sweating in Durkadurkastan ask yourself, "What are the benefits I personally get for this? What does my country get for this? Are these "enemies" a real threat to me, or only Israel?"


>hey Jow Forums I joined the military
So fag boi wanted to go homo it up with his butt humper buddies? Top notch show bro. Hopefully you'll make it past pooly POG.
Seriously though user good job. You picked a good branch that will your brains to use for something other than painting some sand nigger alleyway.
I wish you only the best.

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Joking aside
congratz user

I got an 84 on the ASVAB but passed the NAPT with a 64 out if the required 55 to enlist as nuke. They never told me why my waiver wasn’t accepted, though it was a waiver for scoliosis so maybe that’s why.

Good luck. Thought about doing it to because lostwithnopurpose.jpg but got cold feet. Brother(younger) went to the airforce and he said it was pretty tough. Props though

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I had no choice why I joined the army. OP probably has a good reason why. I was going to go homeless at 23.

the militray is a beautiful and life changing experience you americansns really are meissing out on some incredible things when youre not forcing people to join the amry

Count how many dudes you'll get to fuck there

get killed

i hope you get raped there

This is the most friendly post i've seen in Jow Forums WTF is that hahahahahaha

>congrats man

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finally some sauce on this post
