Homosexuality is a natural part of the human experience. We know this because the prostate exists...

Homosexuality is a natural part of the human experience. We know this because the prostate exists. There is no other reason for this massive bundle of pleasure nerves to exist inside your anus. We evolved homosexuality as a survival mechanism. For millions of years, the alpha of the tribe would occasionally mount and anally rape the other men (and especially the cute little boys) to show who's boss. Males who rebelled against this were immediately killed and therefore never reproduced. Any man with a status lower than the alpha's would be anally raped thousands of times in his life, so it really helped his chances of survival if he could develop a way to actually enjoy it. Males who tolerated being anally raped survived to puberty and passed on their genes. The rest were killed and their genes perished. The likelihood of surviving was thus vastly increased for any males who were born with slightly more pleasure nerves in their anus. Over millions of years, these nerves naturally clustered together into a single location to form the prostate. Now men have an organ which gives them roaring orgasms upon stimulation, but it also automatically turns you into a homosexual when stimulated.

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i'm too stupid to read that

can someone summarize?

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Ritsu be like: prostate exists = gay is natural

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Everyone is a little gay deep inside the problem is that some are too gay to admit it

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Sounds kinda gay, but ok.

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weak man weak. stronk man not kill weak man. because weak man can sex. weak man can enjoy sex with prostate. weak man survive until become manly in puberty. weak men survive.
you be like
dick exsist = heterosexuality is natural.
dumb u cant nature hmph
humans are naturally bisexual desu

d-do you like peepee in poopoo?

as a stronkboi i approve of this

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im reaching the limits of my puberty and im not that much more stronk

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Pupu comes out of bum bum.

Do you really want dudu on your peepee?

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You just need to drink a lot of milk

peepee come out of benis. u really want peepee in ur bagina?

i drinked a lot of milk before. in elementary school. but in 8 grade and so on i ate much less so i guess that can be a reason for why im not growing much

But you're assuming that all the prehistoric tribes were ruled by an Alpha male leader, which is not true.

Also, how do you explain that homosexuality is present on females and on literally every animal species as well.

Some girls are into that.

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you were obviously designed to submit to the stronkbois. i'm happy you have accepted your fate.

are you a weakboi or stronkboi? we need to find out where you fit in this equation!

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You don't question nature you just accept it

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i didnt write this and also this is just a hypothesis for why the prostate induces orgasmic experiences. i believe humans are bisexual in nature. a lot of mammals have homosexual tendencies.
im gonna get a bf to order around. everyone will obey me!!

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This is a load of crap. You are mentally ill, and need help overcoming these fag thoughts.

>Everyone will obey me

You're bully material

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crap? okey tell me in detail all of what is wrong. write it down in here user. challenge me
you dont need to be stronk when you have power and influence. which is what im gonna get!!!!!!

All I can say imma stronkboi if that's how you gonna call it.

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I'm 2 inches taller and 6kg heavier.

What are you going to do about it?
You're my Hon.

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i'm 20kg heavier than both of you. i'm the anti bully ranger so i will protecc my ritsu

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i have no words for your disgusting words

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Bad luck because I'm the anti anti bully of this board

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But im the one that's going to protect him.

He's mine.
Get your fingers off of him

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im not yours. where did u get that idea from?

We touched tips.

Dont tell me you forgot.

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tips? what u mean by tips? also we held hands but strangers can hold hands

I thought that if you held hands you get pregnant

n-no i hope not also im a male what the heck

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I dont believe bisexuality is our natural state. No, our natural state is the sexuality we're born with.

I think homosexuality is caused by an hormonal variance during the pregnancy, which causes that some parts of the brain structure become more similar to the opposite sex's.

Since those hormonal variances are statistical, it becomes a inevitable phenomena in all species with a sexual reproduction.

Well yeah but you have a prostrate

Benis tips.

I was much bigger than you.

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:( thats not how it works
wrong! i was the bigger one

Stop embarrassing me.
How big?

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How can you be a man and not like such views?

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16 cm :^)
ew she doesnt look that attractive to me to be honest

Who for example looks attractive to you ?

oh heck. well idk i dont really have any pics of 3D womins on my computer. well i do like some girls i know that

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You're trying to mog me right?

I'm 15.9cm x 4.7 inch.
I'll go easy on you.

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woah. never guessed this. hey dont worry i knew some bottom who had a 17-18 cm dick so its no worries lole

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Cut or uncut?

why are you giving the length in centimeters but girth in inches

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Well. Um alright. At least we are finally equating it with something wrong like rape rather the trying to make it sould like a good thing, but to poke holes in your theory if that was what happened there would be people without a prostate, presumably men with higher testosterone levels and seeing how that's not the case i don't think this is true. But on a bigger note homosexuality is impossible to be an evolutionary trait because it's counterproductive to evolution, pretty much every gay man I've met is appalled by the idea of sex with women, how would they reproduce and pass genes of the exclusively have sex with men? It's impossible to pass traits that way, it's purely a behavioral anomaly, no logic to it, no evolutionary factors, no natural explanation beyond humans being knowledgeable enough to focus on reward response specific rather then the purpose it compels us, as in sex feels good to encourage reproduction but we just wanna feel good and not reproduce, much like abortion, condoms, or what ever, just like a way different ball park but theres a good example of the same abnormal sexual tendencies of humans lol it's not natural, we are just know to much



Sadly kut.

I don't know what 4.7 inches are in cm

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it might be bigger actually since i measured it when i was having a half boner. well probably not idk

Oh man that sucks

Stop it no more.

I don't want anyone to get hurt

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okey lets move on from dicks i guess. do you cum a lot atleast?

Dickd been broken for a while.

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Quantity or how many times?

dont worry i dont mind smaller dicked guys uwu
both i guess

i do because my body is ready to reproduce with thicc milves

do i win?

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but i thought u liked toddlers

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I just don't feel like finding a gf or a bf anymore.

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Come on mate don't give up, if there's something everyone hates is being alone in this world

awee dont feel depressed. i was lying to you. last time i checked... i actually had 13. but its whatever u know. its the average in some places

3 months ago I wanted to approach a girl in college but I didn't.

Now I'm stuck here pretending to be gay.

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pretending to be gay is one one of biggest if not the sole reason i am gay.

At least you tried.

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Isn't it fashionable in the West to be a heterosexual man?

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who cares

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I don't know but having money is pretty fashionable down here

Why are Norwegians all fags?

show pooper now

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homosexuality is a disease and you are proof of that

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i cannot unshow pooper

I wrote a long response to this but then I accidentally xed out of the reply tab

But your theory sounds like a "just so story"

"my theory". its just pasta and shitpost. also F at your long text

Congratulations, you just won the Math Nobel Price


So what? Gay might be natural doesn't mean it's normal or socially desirable. LGBT certainly isn't.

i dont want all this pride ruckus. i just want gays to be in peace. libs are making us look worse

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Agreed. I'm not very fond of ghey, but don't hate them. Unfortunately they are being played and weaponized by communists the same way white working class in the past. And they will end up fucked over just the same.

I can only speak about me. If what you're saying it's true I wouldn't have any problem confirming your theory on this fully anonymous Cantonese image board. However, it's not true. At least for me. I can't tell about anyone else what's going on in his mind. I find homosexuality very repulsive and disgusting. And if I feel that way, I guarantee you many others feel the same way.

It's there to make taking a shit in the proper position pleasurable otherwise we would have been walking around with shit caked all over our asses and getting sick. Now you have westerners getting bowel cancer from sitting wrong and faggots trying to convince you it's there to justify the fact that they are nothing more than a selective pressure response to overpopulation.

what the actual fuck am i read. "if pooping didnt feel nice we would all have poopoo stuck in our butt". when you really need to poo you dont want to poo because it feels nice.

It's to promote squatting and aligning the body properly to dispose of waste like Asian countries still practice. I know you Euros love shitting in weird toilets with shelves to look at your waste and all but sitting obstructs the intestines and causes health problems. You ever had fertilized balls before? Imagine for early humans what improper position when shitting would mean. It would mean shit mixing with sweat and getting all over your balls which would make it's way into a woman during sex and cause all sorts of problems.

okey fine go shit in a bush i dont give a fuck.

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Shit properly then and stop trying to equate natural processes as evidence to support being an aberration.

its just a shitpost and even if it wasnt natural i wouldnt give a single fuck you seething little bitch. what are you gonna do lmao? throw some words here and there. medicine isnt natural is it? yet we use it.

The difference is medicine fights disease, you are a human disease that is a vector for it and a response to selective pressure.

Then you don't know what disease means. Tell me in what shape or form is homosexuality endangering us? I'm just gonna say this to you. People like you are savages lagging behind time. Go shit in the forest for all I care.

Patient zero was a fag for HIV. Fag promiscuity spreads STD's and with the fag mindset comes disproportionate levels of drug addiction which is an additional vector for spreading disease. Not being satisfied with the bodycount for HIV you seek to spread fagdom as a cultural mindset instead of nature trying to control an exploding population that is successively becoming more unfit. The savages will inherit the earth you're going to leave us by making it weaker generation after generation.

Straight people have STDs. Indians are more likely to addicted to alcoholism. Certain groups of people have their pros and cons and drug abuse are related to the persons quality of life. You think a gay man in Saudia Arabia is gonna have a good life? If you think spreading fagdom is bad look at Islam. You think you are so smart with your words. Ignorant fools like you have nothing to give society. I'm gay, but I'm still gonna contribute. I'm gonna have a successful future. I have good grades and its promising.

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You're a dead end and will only contribute to your replacement. I'm fine with that. I'm not concerned with a society that's self destructing and facing a massive population correction by the end of the century. The only thing that matters is having the tools and resources to exist outside of it while being able to pass them down. You can try to justify it all you want but people like the Amish will inherit the earth and hopefully learn from the cycle.

I thought patient zero was an African dude that ate a monkey

AHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry, that's a unlikely. Society as you say ,seems to be doing okeyish at the moment. I will enjoy my civilization and technology.
