Right-Wing Cringe Thread

Let's see your compilations lads

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is that a ninja turtle

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>forgetting that hitler and the nazis hated christianity and liked islam

why poltards are cringe

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What is this even supposed to mean?
And forgetting that Hitler literally ordered the commander of the Paris garrison to raze Paris to the ground before the Allies captured it. The only thing that prevented it from happening was the garrison commander Dietrich von Choltitz refusing to carry out the order because he didn't want to destroy the beautiful landmarks and history of the city.

>Greenland is white

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argentina is in america

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>all these trump references
If you really think trump is right wing youre retarded

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Then what is he?

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never understood why Jow Forumstards hate blacked yet spam it on every board

>Quantity over Quality
>Worship of the written word
>Fear of open conflict
>Right to comfort
???, these are all loony leftist things.


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>Karl Marx
>tolerant and SJW
That guy literally said that all Croats should be drowned in the Danube. He wrote a little poem about it in that journal he wrong together with Engels.

>Horsewhip that scum into the Danube River,
>Go castigate that overweening rabble,
>Those starveling beggars, all so tired of living,
>That horde of miscreants, rogues and vagabonds,
>Croatian riff-raff, abject peasant hirelings,
>That vomit, spewed up by a glutted homeland
>For desperate ventures and for certain doom.

Guy was a cunt.


>That guy literally said that all Croats should be drowned in the Danube.

Yeah but what did he do wrong?

>That guy literally said that all Croats should be drowned in the Danube. He wrote a little poem about it in that journal he wrong together with Engels.
i'm a marxist now guys

praise cops

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He captured the Rothschild so every shit he did was based and redpilled

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holy fucking cringe.

Hes zionist and accept non whites to live in US. Just because he doesnt want open border and screech at random country to boost his polls doesnt mean hes right wing


Why the fuck does he have a boner?

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>That guy literally said that all Croats should be drowned in the Danube
Yeah dude was mad racist. He also thought Slavs were too inferior to apply communism and that it was only for western euro populations.

Le socially conscious multinational wholly owned subsidiary

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damn, that baby retarded

That's a pretty narrow view of what makes someone right wing without even taking into account his economic policies.

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>Yeah dude was mad racist
No, not in the least; the exact opposite, in fact.
When he used the ‘N’ word in private correspondence it wasn’t considered a racist term in the UK at that time (even though it began to take on those connotations well into the next century). In the 1930s, British crime writer, Agatha Christie, had even used the ’N’ word in the title of one of her best selling books, the title of which was later changed to “And then there were none”: (huffingtonpost.com/earl-ofari-hutchinson/why-is-amazon-still-selli_b_11967894.html?guccounter=1)
UK conservatives were still using this word in the 1960s in electioneering slogans (“If you want a n*gger for a neighbour vote Labour”): theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/15/britains-most-racist-election-smethwick-50-years-on

It was in that decade in the UK that the ’N’ word came to be viewed as unequivocally racist (largely as a result of the Civil Rights Movement). The furor over the Tory use of this word showed that public opinion was changing.

Indeed, Marx’s articles on the US Civil War show he was on the side of emancipation from the get go.

“In the United States of North America, every independent movement of the workers was paralysed so long as slavery disfigured a part of the Republic. Labour cannot emancipate itself in the white skin when in the black it is branded.” – Karl Marx

Furthermore, his comments about the Jews weren’t racist either, but were an attempt to analyse the economic role they had been forced to adopt by the Roman Catholic Church (which viewed usury as a sin), and later by capitalism, because of this.

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>and that it was only for western euro populations.
You realize that communism is supposed to be global right?

>didnt read marx

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>all Croats should be drowned in the Danube.
>Slavs were...inferior

>not a racist
Really user?

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Global under the gripes of western european

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He was a Jew who resented Germans because he wanted to be them who moved to England and resented them because he wanted to be them.
Recipe for ultimate cringe.

Because left and right was never about economics. You got commies and capitalists from that. Basically all democrats are extreme leftists with open borders and anti white narration but still seem to enjoy gucci stuff and new iphones. Nazi germany was actually more scialists than what democrats want because in mutt land healthcare is apparently the only thing they want to nationalise

That cop got sentenced to 5 years in prison

No. He was anti-racist. As one can gather from his remarks on Ireland, he thought that racism was not only objectionably oppressive but also divided the working class and made revolutionary solidarity difficult if not impossible. He was an ardent supporter of the North during the Civil War, and not because he had any strong feelings about the union, unlike Lincoln, but because he was viscerally opposed to slavery, not only because it was literally reactionary, a throw back to an earlier mode of production, but also because it was oppressively racist.

You realize that full communism is supposed to be stateless right?

>a Westerner cannot comprehend that racism can be directed against people who are neither black nor Jewish

Marx called Slavs like Croats and Czechs "racial waste" and held that they need to be exterminated. He was convinced that Croats are an inherently reactionary people and will almost biologically unable to take part in the revolution. It's ironic in multiple ways, really. Both since Slavs are the only ones to try pulling off a revolution, and since Slavs spent decades parading his portraits around on parade and praising him as a hero.

The main source of his asspain towards Croats is that we fought against Hungarians in the 1848 revolutions.

Yeah keep dreaming.

ok this marx guy was BASED

Marx wasn't jewish by nazi standards.

>Marx called Slavs like Croats and Czechs "racial waste" and held that they need to be exterminated.
>He was convinced that Croats are an inherently reactionary people and will almost biologically unable to take part in the revolution.
Going to need a source on those.
Don't need to, it'll happen eventually.

yikes. don't @ me again.

I presume Lenin didn't know about his anti-Slavic sentiment?

>dude he said the n-word!

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what's the significance of the rainbow though

Didn't stop them from calling him a Jew though.

It's the clown wig from the shitty, forced clown world meme.

Thats what it was?
All this time I thought he used to be gay or something. The artist could have drawn that better

most of the confusion comes from an English mistranslation and a bit of political bias. The article(s) in question were actually written by Engels (not Marx), and were pulled out of the context they were originally written in (the Hungarian revolution of 1848).

Engels considered un-integrated ethnic minorities like Serbs, Croats and Bosnians, all of whom he considered “historical failures”, as a prime agents for a counter-revolution, pointing to the case of Serbs (and other nearby Slavic nations) supporting the “backwards” ruling Habsburg monarchy in opposition to the “progressive” Hungarian cause.

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Clown world. It's an incel meme now but a couple months ago all the alt-rightists were getting in on it.

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not right wing cringe but its making fun of anti-jewish 'redpills' on Jow Forums so eh it fits

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the """"""""""artist"""""""" could've tried better at drawing it but he fails at that too

That's what I assumed it was at least, he did draw it pretty horribly, it just looks like a rainbow hat or some shit.
Did it start out as an incel meme? I assumed Jow Forums made it up.

ah, clownworld. truly something hallowed in the halls of unfunny memes

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unsurprisingly less diversity than before :(

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>Going to need a source on those.
The articles of both Marx and Engles in the Neue Rheinische Zeitung are riddles with Jow Forums-tier rants against Croats and other Slavs. They can be found online, there's tons.

>...these residual fragments of peoples always become fanatical standard-bearers of counter-revolution and remain so until their complete extirpation or loss of their national character, just as their whole existence in general is itself a protest against a great historical revolution.

>Such, in Austria, are the pan-Slavist Southern Slavs, who are nothing but the residual fragment of peoples

>...at the first victorious uprising of the French proletariat, which Louis Napoleon is striving with all his might to conjure up, the Austrian Germans and Magyars will be set free and wreak a bloody revenge on the Slav barbarians. The general war which will then break out will smash this Slav Sonderbund and wipe out all these petty hidebound nations, down to their very names.

>The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward.

That is even from a Marxist website, where they translate "Völkerabfälle" as "residual fragments of peoples", when the words Volk and Rabfalle literally human "human garbage". Those two were literally genocidal maniacs.

I have no idea. His newspapers ramblings weren't considered relevant, maybe.

so this is the master race?

This is actually true, but the real conspiracy is Italian and Swiss Catholics. Jews are the court jews.

>"An ethnic home for every race."
>Uses the symbol of an ideology that was based on conquering and slaughtering other races they deemed inferior.
So what is it for Jow Forums? Is it "might makes right muh strong dominate the weak" or "we are peaceful and love everyone and don't believe in violence"? They're really the most incoherent retards around.

>all those boomers

Stop spreading misinformation just because you dislike Yugoslavija or whatever got you mad.

and he was right. 1st world countries the world over have integrated socialist systems such as cheap healthcare, pensions, 8 hour workdays, high standards for schooling systems, etc.

The slavs and chinese did it and it was such a shitshow they both had to abandon it almost completely although slavs produced a lot of engineers, mathematicians, programmers, etc. due to the way their system shoehorned people into studying those things.

>getting slowly kicked off of reddit
>somehow becoming outnumbered on every Jow Forums(nnel) board (except Jow Forums of course)
>right wing politicians keep getting cucked or cucking out for no reason
>FBI and other law enforcement agencies around the world are now starting to crack down on our more extreme elements
Why did it have to end like this? I just wanted to have low taxes and an approximation of an ethnostate. Why do you guys have to be so cruel?

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the latter is a trojan horse for the former
you should see the Q crowd

>literally quoting Marx and Engels
>stop spreading misinformation

>communism is about healthcare, pensions and public education
We have those things now, retard.

Hey faggot, feel hurt enough yet?

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Right-wing ideology is idiotic and you should feel bad

>they're all boomers or literal incels
Can't wait for them to die off

>literally quoting Marx and Engels
While puting out of context quotes just to fit your "le marxists rayciss" point.

>anyone to the left of Alex Jones isn't right wing

>Why can't I just be racist without people being mean to me??
It's over for you right-wing faggots. Everyone got sick of your constant shitting up every board and website so they collectively told you all to fuck off. Stop being a right-wing retard or go back to your hugbox.

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>an ethnostate
lmao shouldn't have import the negro to do your dirty work then. You did sort of achieve it after genociding the native americans

>have low taxes
respectable opinion
>an approximation of an ethnostate
absolutely cringepilled

Ethnic Nationalism would mean turning the entire world into the Balkans for 50+ years. Sorry user, but ethnonationalists are enemies of humanity and must be opposed on all fronts.

Fucking lmao.

>Guy was a cunt.
sounds based to me

>getting slowly kicked off of reddit
kek. you Jow Forumstards are nothing but literal reddit immigrants

To be fair that's pretty amusing.

Croats on suicide watch

Jingoistic and xenophobic (not neccesarily racist), hes all over the place economically though and in general.

Describe Trump as what he is, retarded. No need for political labels.

I'm sure most cops have a great time in prison

>guy literally and obviously praises the supposed upcoming extermination of the peoples he calls inferior
What a weak cop out. You're no different than an altar licker who would make excuses for a pedo priest.

He is dead, his ideology was a massive failure and we're still here.

Zionism is a right-wing nationalist ideology.

>Be revolutionary
>Croatians fight against a revolution
>Wtf why doesn't he like us?

Wtf I’m a Marxist communist now