What's the easiest way to kill myself? This life is retarded

What's the easiest way to kill myself? This life is retarded.
Please reply. Thank you.

Attached: god_with_god.png (539x539, 285K)

by going against the will of based romania

I'd say snap your neck is the easiest and least costly.

fight me in a face-to-face duel no weapons

I don't live in Jerusalem


neither do i

Hanging, drowning or asphyxiation inside your car by turning the engine on in a shut garage. The most latter seems easiest, and hanging has a chance of failing.

You probably shouldn't kill yourself because "life is retarded", though.


>You probably shouldn't kill yourself because "life is retarded", though.
Why? Life's dumb af

Then kill yourself lul

ye, but how? I could have overdosed lorazepam, but i gave them away to some hipster drug boi

I feel you kraut. Except I don’t cause your government literally let it happen and you aren’t revolting.

some newer cars don't even emit enough CO to kill yourself

just jump off a tall building or something this is literally a no brainer

Here's how you do it:
>Go to your kitchen
>Grab a knife
>Hold the point to your throat
>Force it in

How tall does it have to be to be 100% ded?
i dont understand. please repeat

jesus kraut just go to one that is super fucking tall and you'll 100% die
or just lay on a train track and let your head get run over

Yeah but which gives me the most instagram likes?

recording yourself jumping off a building definitely

>How tall does it have to be to be 100% ded?
Considering the force of gravity is 9.81 m/s^2 and hitting the ground at over 17 m/s is fatal, you would need to fall for over 1.732 seconds. Therefore you would need to fall at least 52.188 meters for it to be 100% fatal.

Have sensitive information about Hillary Clinton

depends what surface you fall on