An unpopular opinion: German language isn't that hard to learn

An unpopular opinion: German language isn't that hard to learn.

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if my retard baby self could learn it anybody can lule

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i live in austin, texas and plan to move to canada, had German been a major factor in either of these places i'd've learned it ages ago but i had to learn mexicunt and now i'm learning french.

german is fucking easy lmao

All language is easy to learn if you actually use it, like on Holliday or so.

But in the base German is a crap language to learn. The grammar rules are freaky.

And they have words for things where other languages have multiple words for to describe that thingy. Freeking unbelievable.


Big if true

I think the biggest problem is lack of some nice german websites to hang out and read there. I've learned some basic german really long time ago, but started feeling confident in using it after I started reading some german sites (eg. and trying to read german editions of some books (eg. SICP)

Drink English and drunk German are remarkably similar

Yeah but a lot of what Krauts consider words are actually 3 or 4 words smashed together like my dad hammered towards the end of a wedding

an unpopular opinion: german is a terrible, ugly language and germania delenda est

there are some cool ones that are actually kinda useful sometimes

like schlimmbessern = when you try to fix something but make it worse

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An unpopular opinion:

when I was learning german, natives were asking me all the time why I would want to learn a language as complex and difficult as german and I was like "lol it's basically fucking english" the entire time. cool language but not fucking difficult to learn especially if you already speak a Germanic language

Cool story bro, I like when you said "fucking."

Learning German is fucking retarded. It's complicated af and you'll most likely always struggle with every single word. And everyone can speak English here anyway

German is just elaborate english with less Latin words

Do you think American is language too?

yeah because you live right next to them, that's like saying learning mexican isn't that hard as an american
>t. swamp kraut

yes german has a hard grammar, try hungarian instead

dont you mean english

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I'm learning it because a lot of people from my family either live in Germany or are German.

>Well, no

I love German! It reminds me of my childhood when we had a tv decoder for german channels. I loved watching Spongebob Schwammkopf and Thomas die kleine Lokomotive. We also had a VHS player so my dad recorded plenty of the latter, we got rid of it though. Due to that I found it much easier to learn this language.

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нeпoпyляpнoe мнeниe - pyccкий нe тaк cлoжнo нayчить

of course it isnt but it wont be spoken in 50 years so why bother

Fuck off, we're full.

the people who learn german here are fucking weirdos