How Serb-Kosovo relations now? What Serbian government do with this situation?

How Serb-Kosovo relations now? What Serbian government do with this situation?

Attached: 2016-02-05.jpg (400x320, 68K)

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its called kosova and serves are subhumans


it was nothing but a shitty provocation to rile people up
it'll be forgotten in a few months


nis osobno smrdi

But they are taller and lighter than you on average, AMERICA EXBLAIN AND HJELP, HJEEEELP

Attached: shadimylayup.png (680x571, 160K)

They wont do anything because they are bunch of pussies. If it was my country having trouble with a bunch of shiptars I wouldnt mind sacrificing hundreds of thousands of lives until the albo scum is driven out.
>this is who you are talking to when you reply to shiptars post

Attached: otpad.jpg (939x627, 102K)

Who wants to rile people up? Why?

>I wouldnt mind sacrificing hundreds of thousands of lives

you have hundreds of thousands of lives at your disposal?

government is pretending to care about it, but in reality it's just a show and they'll sign the final declaration of independence somewhere in the future. same thing happened last year, they sent a train with a serbian flag and "kosovo is serbia" written on it, and nothing happened, just a show to pretend they give a shit

I was talking hypothetically, ever heard of that, retard? And during the 90s we mobilized 500 000 people.

you guys should at least get north Kosovo desu.
But nobody cares because they're not muslims.

it's just that your english is trash and I made you aware of that fact by asking a question

call me a retard one more time and I'll end your gypsy life

exactly, they won by the strategy of fucking like rabbits and slowly taking over. macedonia is the next target, albanian became the second official language there about a month ago. i assume the southern part of the country will be next and so on

shut the fuck up

Fuck off, retard. I wont be wasting my time on you anymore

good girl, stop talking

>albanian became the second official language there about a month ago
The law needs the president's signature to be published. He has said he'll never sign it. It can't come into force. But one can assume it's just a matter of time till they pull some trick to do it or he receives some call from above.

Yeah, he will either change his mind or the law will wait until you get another president.

Eat pork feces, you Arab retard.

oh look, another gypsy
I'll crush your skull, gypsy

You're the gypsy, you Arab gypsy. The only thing getting crushed is your mom. I'd crush your balls, but you don't have those.

gypsy I'll break you
keep talking shit and I'll visit your sister in the brothel and punish her

Shut the fuck up gypsy.

Your weakboned raghead ass couldn't do shit against my sister. She'd wreck your vitamin D deficient stupid retard face.

You're a literal gypsy who's a slave to you subhuman Arab overlords, you stinking camelturd with a candywrapper flag.

why is this gypsy serb so buttblasted

we'll see about that gypsy, I'll visit her in the brothel right now

Svima jebani slabi mir to rusija ali Kosovo ne ruska zemlja Kosovo to je serbska pravoslavna zemlja kniaza lazara i cara dušana
Bila i bice zauvjek blyat
Serbi su naši bratja prosim te bosanec nie bully našich balkanskich bratjav
Evo Rat mejdžu serbami i albancami turkami to ne tvoja problema to naša problema i skoro budim remuve kabab :) ja i ti :)

No wonder you need to visit brothels, how else would you get a woman to touch your gypoid poopskin?

friendly reminder that this is what you're replying to when replying to a croat flag

Why don't Serbians and Albanians agree on:

>Ceasing the existance of Kosovo
>Majority Albanian lands go to Albania, majority Serb lands go to Serbia
>Serbian enclaves become part of Serbia, but with an agreement with both Serbia and Albania for freedom of movement to avoid a clusterfuck with borders

Serbs get their heritage back, Serbia doesn't have to deal with recognising Kosovo and Albanians don't have to deal with any sort of Serbian rule.

Attached: DWyAsMVX4AArKSD.jpg (1024x432, 192K)

And more intellegent, richer, have more history

nice bait

I was thinking absolutelly the same. One prob is that majoety of kosovo serbs live in southern kosovo, not in even enclaves. Im not sure but i think majorty of southerers live in albanian majorty areas (not even enclaves). We could displace them to presevo and bujanovac (albanian majorty parts of serbia) but i dont think it would be enough so maybe there would be need for some mixed areas to become serbian in ordred to make things far. One i'd accept it if we get srpska too, croats wouls get herceg-bosnia too and bosniaks will have their land and maybe even get sanjak.

Make things fair*

Albanians are the dumb Chechens lf the Balkans