He is eating meat today

>He is eating meat today

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>eating jesus's foreskinless meat instead

I ate some shrimp toast for lunch, but no meat

Bravo! Fish etc. are OK.

>He is eating bread today

i eat fish every day

Why the fuck not?

Sausage and eggs for lunch.
Fight me.

I'm gonna go out and purchase 10 hamburgers.

Tricked my catholic bf into eating chicken and engaging in homosexual activities today please rate

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Lamb and pork, your religion doesn't have any power over me

Only Chr*stian baby meat, goyim. Nothing wrong with that


this is everyday, nigger

homosexual activities are A-ok but meat is not. You're a bad bf.
for your standards that's pretty low. I appreciate the effort to at least eat less meat today. May Jesus bless you!

You could have just said that you tricked him into eating your meat.

May he bless you as well good sir!

It's okay, because Francis says there's no hell.

>he is eating meat

l like Italian

eating grilled swordfish steak this evening lads

campano o calabrese?

>teehee im bent btw

oh yes, Jesus himself ordered that

neither, toscano
for a proper local dish I should eat polenta con baccalà, I know, go tell my family

il baccalà lo mangiano dal veneto alla sicilia :D

polenta con baccalà è considerato piatto tipico delle zone montane nel nord della Toscana

its ok to eat fish cause they don't have any feelings

Yes. Sweets too.

fishes are not real animals

>He thinks god is real

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I am sick today so I am not eating anything even though I normally don't fast