How accurate is this map?

How accurate is this map?

Attached: 800px-Grossgliederung_Europas[1].png (800x830, 644K)

fake, poland is eastern europe

Is that a kg of krauts pro capite map?

t. med*id

Attached: 1458415457922.png (2490x3225, 686K)

Its called the swedish sea, fuckers

The border for west Europe is the Rhine

>g*rms trying to claim Alsace-Lorraine yet again

Denmark is central europe too.

actualy it's the Baltic Sea

lol nope

There is no such thing as middle europe Pavlov


Attached: esti.png (1200x764, 2K)


Sjön hette svenska sjön innan pk-svina bytte namnet på den.

There's only west and east in Europe

for me central europe is the landlocked countries (Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Former Czech Republic) + Germany

Yeah, if you add Latvia to Central Europe, might as well let the Eestis into the Nordic club

and south and north, m*doid

and sudtyrol as well. The butthurt will never stop

North and south are part of the west though, slavs are not

there are also african countries such as Italy

okay but not as good as mine

Attached: EUROPE_DIVIDED_2017.png (1280x960, 338K)

got france right at least

And russian countries such as Poland

but you medoids ain't no better than slavs lol

What a beautiful France...

Medoids don't exist outside of Jow Forums, the mediterranean is too variegated to be grouped like that
That said, no one is worse than slaves

Non rispondere allo slavo provocatore

surprisingly accurate for us actually

>slavo provocatore

Du skämtar?

Make Denmark green. They get snow once a year.

Se på olaus magnus karta. Där står det "mare sveticum"

När bytte dem?


zitto animale

It actually belongs to the Baltics.

Also, if you dont have a sea named after your country/one of your regions you're a non country.

Attached: Mapa_Mar_Cantabrico.jpg (1631x1258, 485K)

>alsace lorraine part of mitteleuropa

Attached: 1491369007162.png (895x1000, 211K)

>it's called the the swedish sea

Attached: the STATE of Sweden.jpg (1450x919, 1007K)

>How accurate is this map?


ööhh, nej?

Central Europe is a Nazi meme to justify expansion.
Pretty much the French version of "Natural Borders"

The map is a complete nonsense.

Then you see it's written in German, so the map was created by German nationalists according to German nationalist ideas.

Actually it's called the western sea

This so much

How is it nonsense? It is super accurate

I am not German, I even cannot speak the language, but I think the map is quite eccurate. The borderlines separate areas with distinct cultural and political features.