
What would you change about the grammar of your native language? For example half of the stuff kids learn in slovak classes is where to write 'i' and where 'y' even when there is really no difference in pronounciation. There even used to be only 'i' but then some idiots changed it >:(

Attached: whypepe.jpg (300x218, 12K)

I fuckin hear you mate.

cestina mala tiez niekedy len jedno i?

i would remove the fr*nch spellings from english

Nemám tušení, ale hádám, že ano. Tak či onak je to otravný.

That doesn't seem so hard?

Attached: czech.png (841x231, 22K)

vy tie íčka tiež píšete nejak divne...v slovesách máte dokonca ypsilony na konci niekedy či?

Nothing wrong with the grammar, but I'd remove any Anglo influence in the vocabulary and replace it with Italian or with made up words from our already existing non-Anglo vocabulary.

there is this little proverb that says that in Slovak there are more instances of rules actually not being applied than being applied so don't fall for that ;)

the vowel length thing which trips off so many foreigners. instead of having short, long, over-long vowel represented respectively as:
a aa aa
e ee ee
i would have
a aa aaa
e ee eee

All fr*nch words must DIE and be replaced with GERMANIC ones.

Well not in the middle of the sentence no. Real bitch is at the end. For example :
Páni měli hlad
Ženy měly hlad
Děti měly hlad.

that's cool af that you actually use more letters to represent can use EN keyboard while still writting correctly

but french is cool :(

Attached: sadpepe.png (1092x1037, 65K)

Ano, to závisí na tom, jestli je rod mužský, ženský či střední. A ještě bůh ví kolik dalších věcí

>you can use EN keyboard while still writting correctly
öäüõ can not be used with EN keyboard and combinations of öööö, while not common are an actual thing in combination words

škoda len že už sa to radšej naučíš písať jak by sme to mali meniť....bude to nepekné navždy :(

Why do you have such traps...also you have Ä ä? I thought Czechs were supposed to be the Germans not you.

Wait so how do you determine which one is where?

oh alright then...

I guess the linguists wanted us to look sophisticated so they made the language hard af...and yeah we have ä but it´s in like 5 words and it´s also useless since everyone pronounces it as ¨e¨

not really when you have to remember how to spell based solely on memorization because english is not phonetic.

the combination of the letters "ough" have (i think) 9 different pronunciations, while this isnt a fr*nch addition its still annoying.

Destroy it. Arabic was really a mistake afterall. All arabized countries should revert back to using their old languages like Aramaic/Syriac, Berber, Coptic, Sabaen, etc.

>and yeah we have ä but it´s in like 5 words and it´s also useless since everyone pronounces it as ¨e¨
Haha nice.

actually I just realized idk a thing about it like bulgarian or serbian or..?

that's the one thing i hate about my language. every other sound you make is 1:1 equal to written representation.
so when you learn to write you can just do it by ear. of if you try to speak you can do it 1:1 by how it's written.
but not that fucking vowel thing.

fuck the exceptions

Attached: badpepe.png (768x768, 150K)

You have to memorize it. It is similar to German - ich bin, du bist, er ist.
Czech ja jsem, ty jsi, on je
It is also dependant on the word it is linked to
"Male" has I most of the time ( but as fellow slovak said there are a lot of eceptions)
While "female" more often than not has Y.
Objects are like : fuck it and they tend to be both.
It is complicated and there are rules, but since it is midnight I can't be bothered to remember.

Strangely we don't have that. What we do have is : "ř" "č" "ň" and fuckton more

do you guys also sometimes have these "linguists rants" in news? once in a while they appear and start bitching about how some words are incorrect (even tho those are the one people actually use )

>actually I just realized idk a thing about macedonian
You're not missing out anything.
>is it like bulgarian or serbian or..?
Both would say it's one or the other if you ask them.
From a grammar perspective closer to Bulgarian (no cases for example), vocabulary closer to Bulgarian but with some Serbian influences (being under Kingdom of Serbia,Yugoslavia and all...), alphabet is based on the Serbian one.
Phonemic orthography with the regular 5 vowels (a,e,i,o,u), specific sounds would probably be the soft K and G (written ќ and ѓ). Stress is always on the 3rd syllable counted from behind.
That's off the top of my head.

Hmm thanks.

>no cases for example

oh fuck yeah. we're having one right now as it happens. and it happens more than i would like to hear about. there's basically two sides here. one side is the turbo autistic "preservation" of language commission who pretty much decides what goes in to the new vocabulary. the other is the "liberals", mostly writers, poets, "rappers" and the real people who use language. the balancing side so far seems to be the president who humorously invented a new word to signify a competition for new words that should enter eesti

Why not represent the over long vowels with a diacritic instead? Less messy

btw macedonia has the best flag...fuck the tricolor stripes

i would be fine with adding a dot for long vowel on top of the vowel spoken and a double dot above the vowel being spoken in written language, but i fear this would require us to demand adding elvish to the international ascii table extensions

Well I see its the same elsewhere. What was the word that he reinvented ?

Everywhere and invented. Damn autocorrect.

sõnaus. sõna = word. + us = wording or finding of word.

that's fucking right, people should adjust the language to their liking. In Slovakia the big deal is that linguists always talk shit about words that are from Czech and then propose a Slovak alternative that noone's ever heard and want you to use it

Tb h I'd bring back a more complex inflectional system. English has been so simplified due to its wide use, i swear it makes people more dumb (that is if your native language is English).

T-thanks but this would probably be our real flag if we didn't embark on the wewuzerist path.
I like your anthem btw :3

Attached: Flag_IMARO.svg.png (320x187, 725)

it doesn't make you dumb. it just makes the language simpler and the vocabulary larger. i really wish i had a link to point you to where they (the linguistical research some brainturbos) explained why and how this happened, but i don't

Language should evolve naturally. Not by force. Reminds me of Czech national resurgence, where there were attemptes to call handkerchief : čistonosoplena.

>Language should evolve naturally.
you know the young people here don't use the formal goodbye while using the telephone, but use the italian ciao!?

our anthem is nothing, if you want some good stuff check out slovak fascist songs ;)
oh and what is it with the we wuz path? i know greeks have some complains but that's as far as I'm informed

I didnt consider the lexicon increasing in scope, but this is only a minor advantage. It's for people like Sean Penn who will drag out a simple idea for as long as possible to seem smart ie. pretentious

Well that is the way of communication. Since the invention of the internet, the languages get mixed morew, than ever. It is only natural, that people use foreign words. And in a few decades, it may even assimilate into the official language.

Eh..that's a different topic really.

holy shit you have that too? :O

Anyone got advice on learning the basics of Hungarian?


you moving there or wanna learn it just for fun?

For personal autistic reasons

that might actually be a good idea to learn some unusual language so you can talk to yourself aloud in it