Siblings thread

do you guys have siblings? are you guys close? is your family close?
i have two older brothers and a sister, who is the oldest
we are all pretty close, i think
we all get together fairly often even though we all live in different cities (except my one brother who still lives at home), for each of our birthdays (which all happen to be about a month apart), fathers day, mothers day, christmas, thanksgiving, easter, and family day. usually in whatever months that dont coincide with family gathers i will call each of my siblings and my parents to see how everyones doing
but i want to know what its like to have a younger sibling
is it cool? is it shit? i hope i wasnt a shithead to my brothers and sister, i always wanted to be that not terrible "anime otouto", for lack of a better term. i think my good relationship with my siblings means i did an OK job but i have been watching a lot of anime lately with a lot of cute imouto and i wonder what its like to have something like that

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why is blood so cold to the touch

I have a younger brother who got disowned from our family because he kept trying to steal money from all of us to party. Last I heard he got kicked out of a homeless shelter for being a piece of shit. I will never forget the day I came home from school on a day he skipped looking through my drawers, presumably to find my wallet, to buy money for the nine knows what. If he had just asked me, I probably would've lent him the money. We don't associate with him much anymore, I haven't talked to him in several years. I have no idea what he's doing, and I don't care to know.

probably cause you waited too long to touch it. usually its fairly warm to the touch and also metallic tasting
jesus christ im sorry to hear that, hows the rest of your family doing?

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fire and blood, such interesting elements

hey dumbass do you have siblings or not

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fire is good

Fine, thanks. Just unfortunate it had to go down that path. I imagine I've wanted a younger sibling probably in a similar vein to you wanting a younger sibling as well. As far as my family is concerned, my younger brother "doesn't count", and I'm an only child.

all should feel the wrath of fire

no, not wrath, hug of fire

im sorry man i guess i shouldnt take anything for granted
dante are you going to talk about your family or not

I have 2 younger brothers. One is obsessed over soccer, the other one over other stupid shit, and they both love Fagnite for some reason.

do you guys get along or no

fire is glorious and with fire, we rebel against god and his hedonism

I guess. Sometimes we get into fights and my brother can be a real pain in the ass annoying us, but usually we are fine.
Schizobabble from Fagmark.

follow god at all times

god's gay lol that nigga like dick

but never trust god

dante what exactly are you doing in my thread

kill god now

have a sister with severe emotional mental disorders, she completely fucks up the family every couple months, golly what a handful

I got a sister, she and my mom are close but between us it's pretty distant. She came out as "bi" a few years ago, cut her hair, and got involved in LGBT groups. It's heartbreaking to see what's happened to her. We talk every once in a while but we've just been getting more estranged.

damn im sorry guys
i guess its nothing like my chinese cartoons ive been watching

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I have a half brother and a half sister. My half brother is basically an average milennial hipster, and he has a fat pothead wife (she once offered weed to my underage nephew, who has had drug problems in the past). My half brother is a nice enough guy, but he often says he'll show up to family events, and then never does, and he never ONCE visited our mother in the hospital when she had cancer.
My half sister makes him look like a saint though. She divorced her husband and lied about him abusing her, her house is constantly filthy, she never cleans, back when we still visited her, her house was always piled with junk and stank of cat piss. She abused her kids (my aforementioned nephew and his two sisters, my nieces) when they were younger. She put soap in their mouths whenever they talked back to her, I have heard claims from my nephew that she would occasionally BITE them as well. Additionally, she would often lock them in their rooms for days at a time, probably because she was either fucking some scumbag, or out getting drunk and stoned with her fat roastie friends. At one point, she claimed to be pregnant with twins. She later claimed to have a miscarriage. It turns out, she was never pregnant. She made the whole fucking thing up because this guy broke up with her, so she claimed she was pregnant with his kids to try to force him back into the relationship. The "miscarriage" was a convenient way for her to bring the pregnancy story to a conclusion. She put her family through a horrific emotional roller coaster with a lie. We found this out because my mom got suspicious and reverse image searched the ultrasound my half sister had sent her, and it was like the FIRST Google image result for "twins ultrasound." She later basically admitted to it.

Additionally, my nephew no longer lives with my half sister, because last year, she was trying to ground him for some minor thing that wasn't worth a grounding, he talked back, she shoved him, he pushed back, and her fat ass ended up falling down the stairs and she called the cops. He spent the weekend in juvie even though she started it (she got off scot free for this) and he is currently on probation. My parents and I no longer speak to her.


good gravy how do people turn out like this? just bad people? im sorry you guys had to deal with that, that's terrible. i hope everything is ok with you and your family now

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Thank you for your kind words.

i hate them

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John 14:6 kjv
>Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

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I have two older siblings. I don't know exactly how close you could say we are, but I deeply believe there is a tie between us that won't be broken until we drop dead one after the other. My sister and I have about 0 common interests, and as such have very little to talk about. My brother is closer, since we have a few shared hobbies. I'll still agree to join them when they move to help, and I truly feel that's a given. They don't think it's that much of a given. I have no doubt in my mind they'll come to help me move when the time comes.
We're siblings, and no matter what happens in our lives, we'll still be there for one another..

do you guys have siblings? are you guys close? is your family close?
> somewhat
> more or less but the mother is out of the picture

fuck that guy