Any Bosnias here

Attached: Arbih_pepe_1995.jpg (1024x768, 163K)

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No coastline lmao


choose a side

Attached: Bosnia.jpg (780x584, 114K)

Jebote that's fucking beautiful!

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Jecaм, aл' живим y Њeмaчoј.
Кaкo јe?


would be shame if someone blow it up
they have, but it should be ours

Штo јe paзлoг нитa?

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Ja like 2% of the coastline...

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Only 8 km kek they are so cucked

What's up bosnia bros?
Hey sorry about all that gay kike shit our military did to you guys.

Yee we are the cucked ones not you the nation flooded with niggers and spics and feminism I havent seen a spic in my whole life

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beaches are gay anyway
I prefer the dark and cold forests during winter


You mean Western Serbia :3?

Mfw no one is saying anything about my pepe

Ahhh Mostar my favorite city in BiH

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Croatian clay, your country sucks anyway, just let us annex you and you can go to Germany.

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Maybe the other way around, Ay ante?

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cringe and bluepilled

Attached: serbian empire 1355.jpg (980x816, 85K)

Those were Croats too though, just few centuries later. Things only changed with Ottomans. You had serbs in that family line too so yeah however you put it its not Bosnian :D

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Thats too balkany, just imagine the population there, disguisting.
This is peak culture on the other hand.
But yeah go for it bro, just leave my clay out of it, you go south all the way you like who cares, we will even give you a hand at kicking the Turks like we did several times if you wanna go all the way, bosnia we can split, you go south, we stay with our friends here and you dont send that degenerate serbian folk this way, deal?

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You've stolen enough Ante, go fuck yourself and leave the bosniaks alone

That's a big empire you got there user

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All southern slavs are genetically the same
Just unite it call it southern slavic empire

>Get the fuck out of America.
The yak faced bastards they brought into St. Louis in the mid nineties have out nigged the niggers and destroyed historic neighborhoods in record time.

They are closer to Croats when you check the autosomal DNA though.

Attached: BalkanDNA.png (3443x2283, 409K)

Typical croat fagg, doesn't know the difference between religion and nationaity

not true at all, check

Attached: PC1vsPC2_plot_based_on_whole_genome_SNP_data_of_Balto-Slavic_Speaking_Populations.png (860x1022, 68K)

Ima li ko iz zenice?

Im talking about feudal family that ruled that kingdom and how it did change when ottomans came, nothing at all to do with religion in that statement and as for nationality, this was middle ages, it was feudalism, nationalism came centuries later.

smrt bosni živjela srpska

My hometown pretty cool shit load of things to see

mišljenja o deklaraciji SDA i deklaraciji SNSD-a?

Okay, unite Bosnia/Slovenia and Croatia and Serbia/Macedonia/Montenegro/Bulgaria and Romania

Croats and bosnians are like germans and austrians, they're kinda the same but at the same time not

Yugoslavia forever

Bring back Yugoslavia Now and Forever

I could go with a union between croatia/serbia/montenegro/bosnia

No one cares about genetics goebbels, they are white slavic muslims leave them be. As long as someone is indo-european living in europe they can choose whatever religion they want.
Europe for europeans.

>Okay, unite Bosnia/Slovenia and Croatia
We have a better option, pic related
>Croats and bosnians are like germans and austrians, they're kinda the same but at the same time not
genetically yes, culture and history brings issues though, funny according to modern dna tests even bosnian serbs are closer in croatian cluster than in serb cluster kek

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ruh-oh we tried that twice already

>he says, while plotting to dismember Bosnia and annex 51% of its territory
lets just partition this badboy, you get Srpska and half the muddie lands, we get Hercegovina and the other half and the muddies get to become rapefugees and go to Germany and Sweden


who the fuck is even talking about religion here besides you? you do realize that there are different religions in bosnia and bosniak is not a religious term.

based and redpilled
srpska + ap western bosnia + brčko belt is forever serbian land


You know how they say: third time's the charm.

Xercegovians only

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This could work actually, the refugees would be the happiest to take that deal desu
(later we can just use it as launching pad to take all of it and go to drian border as step2)

> Beautiful European land and city
> Minarets
Too bad almost got it

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Lol I'm from Hercegovina

> Spisak lijepi želja poturčene sda nejači iz fekalistan trokuta.

Šalu na stranu, obe deklaracije su čista glupost da se skrene tema sa priče oko ANP jer se zna da je to propalo, takođe i da se ne rasrpravlja o novim poskupljenjima i zaduženjima. Da se razumijemo ja jesam za nezavisnu RS + Kanton 10 da ide nama, ali to nije moguće ostvariti u trenutnim okolnostima, umjesto toga treba se okrenuti ekonomiji i glumiti dobre dečke, a forsirati poboljšanje nataliteta, kad Srbi obrnu stvar u svoju korist i budu činili 60% možemo se spojiti sa Srbijom ili jednostavno imati dvije države, što znači više moći unutar UN. Mada ja sam lično za to da se koristimo taktikom Albanaca, množenje + okrete ekonomiji (oni se samo množe, ali mi to ne možemo jer naši su ljud navikli na kakav-takav životni standard).

A sad da ti kažem šta će se stvarno desiti. Niko od predstavnika tri naroda neće ništa dobro uraditi za svoj tor, a svi će se iselit za Austriju ili Njemaćku, tzv. Bosna će propasti jer nema ko da uplati poreze, eto šta će biti, sva ova prepiranja su uzalud i od ovog niko nema vajde.

>go to drina
t. less than 10% of bosnia's population

Can you explain to me how your bloody elections work? I'm so confused

forever kek, a few centuries ago northern RS was called turkish Croatia

Leave West Slavic countries out.
My guess is americanize the culture in the whole area and then when people are internationalistic rewrite all history which might bring conflict and then promote nationalism and bring back one of the language and history for the whole country

Geniune questions for Bosniaks:
How do you cope with the fact that you're Serbian and Croatian muslims?
Who do you prefer?
Why dont you convert?
Why are you so Yugonostalgic?

>RS + Kanton 10
pola samo, glamoč, drvar i grahovo. Al mi bi onda tribali dobit posavinu nazad

and less than 70 yrs ago a quarter of croatian were serbs, and less than 25 yrs ago there were croats in posavina
funny how things change huh

anyway turkish croatia only refers to the cazin krajina

based ustaša, best solution.

Who is Arkan?
Where did his tiger cub go?

da ima hrvata možda cec
istom logikom valja nama vratit kninsku krajinu

By the majority consensus :
Croatian - catholic
Bosniak - muslim
Serb - Orthodox
Its just an objective truth mate.

Ok to stoji, nema smisla da uzimamo vaše zemlje. Mislim da posavina treba ostati unutar RS, jer bi onda bili iz više dijelova, ali recimo kompromisa radi, vi dobijate poturčene dijelove Hercegovine, a njih iselite.


i was just arguing the forever part, nothing lasts forever

nije ista logika, druga država. Posavinu ste ratom uzeli, mi glamoč-drvar-grahovo

bosnia is a megaclusterfuck
there are two entities - republic of srpska (the serbian bit) which has it's own thing and is basically a state within a state - but at least their election system makes sense

then theres the federation, which itself consists of like 13 federal units, who each have their own government and legislative branch and then theres the federal level where the reps of the three peoples get elected

currently croats are buttblasted because bosnians are jewing the spirit of the system by using their bigger numbers to impose a bosnian as the "croat" representative, the serbs are buttblasted because they want out (preferably without war) but the international community won't let them and the bosnians are buttblasted because they see serbs and croats as encroaching on their lands since both we and serbs have nation states and they have "only a third of a state" for themselves

of course, everyone is buttblasted at the international commisioner for reducing all their politics to pointless since ultimately what he says goes, and the people are buttblasted at the politicians for being useless parasites who just steal money and flap their mouths with muh patriotism

in summary, Bosnia can be described best by this video:

Hello frens

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How about we get srpska, bosnia gets the rest and we also return dalmatia since you stole it from us, sounds better and its morally right :^) you can have the rest

Attached: The Stari Most gets blown up.webm (640x360, 1.9M)

I don't know how they work, all I know is that every 2 years I have to vote for someone or some political party

based fuck muslims

Siding with the croat....
Nikad s hrvatima brate moj, cika Kralj Pera rece Aleksandru jednom pa se ovaj moron zajeba tako i ne poslusa oca.

every two years its local elections, every other two years its state (entitetske) elections

return home son

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what an absolute chad

Reverse image search shows that only ustase maniac sites have that picture listed, yeah its not a widely used graph in the least. You probably look like this also so stfu stop pretending to be something you're not.

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What would you have as do then? Can you suggest a solution that would actually solve our problems in an easier manner?

When are you going to divide into two nations?

this is exactly why Yugoslavia fell apart
you're not interested in compromise solutions, you want maximalist solutions where you get everything and everyone else gets nothing

and then when others resist, you call them traitors and ungrateful backstabbers etc.

give me one good reason why the Slovene proposal of a confederacy wouldn't have worked out best for everyone involved? you know, other than denying you guys the option of cooming at the sight of virovitica-karlovac-karlobag

>Leave West Slavic countries out
We have more in common with west slavic countries via genetics and via history (centuries together in austro hungarian block) than we do with serbians though. Just because the language is very similar does not mean we are the same. For example Hungarian and Czech are all in the same cluster as with Croats (and slovenians) while serbs are much much further out and historically few decades of yugoslavia that always fell apart just demonstrate the differences are there.

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son is that you
I have grown old and weak

Nice try, here you go:

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>I have grown old and weak
turkish lies, in next 20years you're probably start to blob up again and invade balkan and levant

From Carinthia to Vardar,everything is Serbian Land.
As soon as the Jews are weak you are going to join them in a comfy Pit.
Till then you can We Wuz as much as you want.

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Yes we take back eveeything we earned through blood and battle in the balkan wars while they stood by waiting to steal when the time was right.

checked, maybe it brings us together again kek

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>not knowing that Balkan muslims are white and based

french fag gtfo

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There is no compromise with your kind, the more you are given the more you want to take. You started this by stating that you want to take even more land for yourself. Its never enough for you cunts.