Lmao how delusional was this guy, amirite?

lmao how delusional was this guy, amirite?

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probably the worst president of your history

He funded islamists against the Soviet Union and compared Talibans to the Founding Fathers.
He also cut funding for AIDS research thinking it's a faggot disease.
Despite being claimed as an ultra-xtian figure, he consulted fortunetellers much like that South Korean fem president.

bolsanaro 1.0

He was a son of a bitch
Fuck him, sadly the retard did not die in 1981

desu the deficit is really overstated in the USA

Sure, it's large, but it has little impact on the actual economy of the US.
The amount of interest we pay is minor, compared to what we make.
And we have a military that prevents any nation from having the ability to call in our debt.

And if it was ever an absolute necessity we could go to war to get a country to forgive our debt, or threaten them.

Literally the first stumble in the fall


And now his state of California


In all honestly, the only good thing Raegan even did was supporting the Khmer Rouge against the Vietnamese imperialism.

Attached: Khmerball.png (900x843, 287K)

>Sure, it's large, but it has little impact on the actual economy of the US.

how does it feel to not have even econ 101 knowledge? literal brainlet

It's still 250 billion in annual interest on a 4 trillion dollar budget. You could do a lot with 250 billion dollars.


Yeah you should go ahead and cut taxation to 0. See what happens.

>compared Talibans to the Founding Fathers
I think he was doing it with the Contras, but it doesn't matter. I don't think any American president ever betrayed the USA as hard as the Iran/Contra Republicans. The guy who set it up is in charge of the NRA now, Ollie North of American Dad fame. I don't know why Americans reward their own traitors.


250 billion isn't much tot he USA
More money would get thrown at states, but nothing much else.

We already have enough money for most everything. Politics is what prevents a lot of stuff from being implemented

Everything he said was correct, and is actually the reason we should nullify China’s debt before they get too big.

>You could do a lot with 250 billion dollars.
Imagine all the extra drone strikes they could afford.

eli5 iran/contra situation please.


>eli5 iran/contra situation please.
You don't know? The USA and CIA were exposed as exactly what people have been accusing them of for years.

no nobody talks about it in USA, I only hear it from other people(non-Americans) on the internet

Why did interest spending suddenly increase by 50%?

Okay, good luck with China who could collapse your economy with flooding the markets with US treasuries.

Trump cutting taxes 10% and raising spending 10%.

It was a pretty big news item in the USA back then as well, I think it almost ended up getting Reagan impeached.
The whole point why people bring it up is because the US itself admitted they funded far-right deathsquads engaged with drug trafficking and also sold weapons to Iran which they embargoed themselves.

In short the USA through Israel supplied weapons to Iran (after revolution) which was embargoed by the USA and using the money made from this deal they would fund paramilitaries in Nicaragua.

Only idiots think the national debt is a real problem

But the USA totally stopped doing this, right?

The entire conversation about Reagan is boomer conservatives ignoring how disastrous his administration was because
>He beat communism dog bless

>And if it was ever an absolute necessity we could go to war to get a country to forgive our debt, or threaten them.

Is Trump the Reagan of the 21st century?

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>He also cut funding for AIDS research thinking it's a faggot disease.
how is this not true

For a while it wasn't true. Nowadays it is a faggot disease again.

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Literally a brainlet statement

So 90% of conservatives?

He's not a conservative, he's a neocon

Regardless cutting funding isn't going to help anything. Exhibit A: The US's third world tier HIV infection rates.

Reagan’s economic policy was retarded but his foreign policy was excellent. Brought tons of pressure on the Soviets and negotiated well with Gorbachev. Much better than H.G. Bush who came after him and was so afraid of great change that he tried to prop up communist dictatorships in a lot of the Eastern European countries as the Soviet Union was collapsing

it does tho

> Iran and Iraq engage in a brutal war
> USA supports Iraq (yes, Saddam Hussein was the strongman of the West in the Middle East for a loooong time)
> China and North Korea support Iran, which is embargoed by the USA since the Islamic Revolution
> meanwhile, in other shitholes on Earth, the cold war is pretty hot, like Nicaragua which is inside a brutal civil war
> USSR supports revolutionaries, USA supports the oppressive government
> Nicaraguan rebels are starting to win some battles
> enter Reagan and friends
> Iran and Iraq are bleeding each other out and need better weapons asap to get the upper hand
> so brilliant minds in the Reagan administration find the optimal solution for the military-industrial complex: sell American weapons to the nation that needs them most
> i.e. ... literally Iran, who kidnapped your diplomats for 2 years, who calls you the great Satan and also the country you have forbidden everyone to do business with
> and to kill two birds with one stone, let's use the money from the weapons sales to finance our boys the Contras, who are genocidal inhuman death squads in Nicaragua

tl;dr Reagan's administration sold guns to USA's number one enemy Iran (while officially supporting Iraq) and gave the money to Central American death squads, I'm not American but if that's not high treason I don't know what is.
And the man who came up with the plan is the NRA president as of December 2018.

Great foreign policy like that time he sold weaponry to Nicaraguan death squads to fund Iranian ayatollahs.

>how can we find a cure for cancer?
>cut funding! only the weak get cancer anyway!

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Don't forget Jamal Khashoggi's father, Ahmad Khashoggi's involvement as an arms dealer :^)

Here is a short song.


But muh muhreenz

NO! Don't use that name. You'll summon "him" into this thread.

>90% of opposition
Let's be realistic here. They'll never suffer the consequences

Why didn't you hang this traitor?

i never said it would help cure it you moron, it would help save money by not throwing it into the sea

As far as I'm concerned, the vast majority of deficit fearmongering when it comes to politics is an easy/lazy distraction. Taking the USA as an example, they have no real concern about raising the deficit when it comes to spending trillions on war or bailing out banks who turn around and spend the money on stocks, private jets, etc.
Budgetary deficit becomes a massive partisan issue when it comes to spending money on things one particular party knows they can rally their base behind supporting or, conversely, used by an opposition party as something to demonise and rile up their base.
Governments like to put on a show and dance as though we aren't under a modern monetary system, only to turn around and take actual action as though they are. It feels like one big dog and pony show to distract us from the fact that the wealthy elites are skullfucking the rest of the country as though it were one big donkey show.

IIRC the Sandinistas were the government the Contras were the rebels. The weapons were missiles.

Did you intentionally get that backwards. Also, the arent sure if he knew about money going to the Contras.

>And if it was ever an absolute necessity we could go to war to get a country to forgive our debt, or threaten them.
lol at how insane this proposition is. you realize the consequence of this right

Just extort the entire world for money bro!

you dont even know to whom you owe the money

"Reducing debt" is pointless from an arithmetic point of view. Debt cannot be cancelled. The world owes between two and three times more money than the current amount of money in existence.


The contras were cool dudes and the Iranians were/are cool dudes. Anyone who disagrees is objectively a complete faggot

The best he did was being a comical actor


The sooner we move away from US hegemony the better this world will be

What's ironic is that he's worshipped by Republicans despite the fact that a lot of his policies were the antitheses of Republican ideals. Massive deficit spending, ending the Fairness Doctrine (which gave conservatives a fair voice in media), amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants, and let's not forget when he was governor of California and banned the public carry of loaded firearms. Oops.

You're not the first to notice, dunce

AIDS was hugely a homosexual lifestylist disease because of their lascivious lifestyle and having many partners, sex at toilets, etc
However it's NOT ONLY a homo disease and many innocent people had to suffer because of him and his retardation.
Raegan listened to the retarded fundie evangelist preachers in that. The same ilk which elected Bush.

He was ok.
Just let it grow.

Debts are jewish boogeymans. Just don't pay lol, nobody remember for what or who it was anyway.

Hiv is just easier to transmit through the ass (its a mucous with lots of capilaries)

>le i am clever for being contrarian and edgy despite not backing up any of my claim
simply epic

he protected cartels and drugs to enter his country and made the US government profit a lot from it.

probably the only reason that America can afford to not collapse to debts

Not at all. He was great.

This but unironically. I will debate anyone who disagrees.

He tripled the deficit, but basically ended the cold war. Not sure why we kept the same spending on our military though

>he ended the cold war