How would people in Europe respond if I went up to them and ask what their race was?

How would people in Europe respond if I went up to them and ask what their race was?

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Malta is not Europe, it's Northern Africa. Those people literally speak Arabic.

the human race

Weirded out, a lot of Europeans still identify even more with their region or family lineage than they do with their country.
Race as described by colors is an american thing.

>Why the fuck is this weirdo talking to me?


i would say english instead of white or european

me? yeah i am a Sarmatian

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Describing yourself by your skin colour is the most American thing ever after clapping when a plane lands

We don't talk about race in Europe, only ethnicity

we're mexican

>Europe literally invents racial warfare
>America fights its biggest war to try and stop this
>Europeans go "w-what is with Americans' obsession with race"? ever since

Well before America's/Anglos politics reached us, and mass immigration, you were nationality/ethnicity even ignoring somewhat your looks (to an extent).
For example. I have two friends. I'm a more "Celtic" type of dude, the other is a more "Med" and the other is a more of "Germanic" type of dude. We would all be by this order

>Region of Portugal (in the case, Nortenhos from Northern Portugal)
>City you were
>Then came race/European

Well it's no longer like that unfortunately. I've seen Jow Forums tier banter IRL here. Even when you travel it seems that how you look matters more than where you came from. For example what happened to me in Austria.
I stayed in a small hostel in Kaprun. Lots of Euros, but some French and Brits were not very arhmmm... Euro looking. And people gave them a lot of cold shoulders.
Mass immigration truly as fucked everything for everyone.

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Most of them would say human I suppose and they would seen you as fucking weird for asking this question as race is taboo here.
But if you pushed them they'd probably say European or white yeah.

No one in europe gets the american concept of race so people would be confused

I asked a Pom he said Anglo/english.

New World thing, because it makes sense in the New World concept

Good question. I am Goth.
Goths are better than other humans.
Swedes, Danes and Finns fear the Goths.

>And people gave them a lot of cold shoulders.
What your mean by this?

What is your obssesion with Finns lmao

Same. Goth masterrace.

I am obsessed with all other nordic people, but most importantly the defeat of the Swedes and their submission to the GOTH BVLL.

Are you a Goth from Got(h)land like me?

>"Me? My parents come from northern india, but i have lived my whole life in Dordrecht."

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Are they people from Gotland legit Goth descendants? I know Swedish King claimed the title of King of Goths, but the last ones actually survived in Crimea like till 18th century.

We are uniroincally the ancestral home of the Gothic people before they migrated south and become Ostrogoths and Visigoths. We speak Gutamål and it is well preserved, it's very close to old East Norse.

I'll probably think you're crazy

Europeans will say nation over race. Talking about race is an american thing.

whats a race, im hungarian

Me? I belong to the Gothic race.

same, ostorgothic

Excellent my Gothic brother :)



This is an average euro Answer

depends on who you ask, some old folks may say german, some may just look very confused at you.

They will say that they're white, European or Caucasian. In the past we would have said our nation, but we watch a lot of American media, so we have adopted the label "White".

me? yeah i am a Illyrian

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They would probably say you look Italian.

Why would they

If you go to Northern Europe, most likely. Here, people can't physically differentiate Latinos, Italians and Muslims

only because people didn't see niggers, chinks, savages and other abominations they only saw other white human beings around them so that was the norm
I wish the orks and apes would crawl back to whatever hellhole they came out of



People didn't care about race but with the diversification of europe they would probably say white or european instead of the nationality because at this point the nationality englobes all sorts of races.

It's true. For us, there's only the white, brown and black race. We don't differentiate between the brown Italian and the brown Muslim. Brown is brown.

Attached: Brown.png (915x885, 805K)

first confused then they would maybe answer white, caucasian or european if you insist
euros don't really identify as "white" since the decolonisation, as racial denominations have become pretty taboo (at least in France) and are seen as obsolete, while it's still common for you in the new world since your countries are multiracial former colonies

So since we consider migrants with french nationality "french", white french people would call themselves "français de souche" (french of origin) to make the distinction, or "vrais français" (true french), as opposed to "français de papier" (french of paper). These are non-official controversial terms though

how can you confuse that guy for a muslim

how are whites of non-french background considered?

They were drunk and the article said he had a beard when it happened


they would say there race was italian or german or dutch, even the ones that are obvious arab/somali mutts.
they don't have a concept of whiteness.

They're usually seen as french, however not "french of origin" but we don't value them differently, and they have always been welcome.
I've known several poles, italians, spaniards, I can't imagine them not integrating and I don't think that's possible, to me they were always just french people with foreign names, because they come from small diaspora and there's no reason nor even environment for them to be different. They become french that they want it or not without noticing. If it's a big diaspora like the portuguese they think of themslves as Portuguese nd french, the culture is too similar to not assimilate basically
We'd call them "the portuguese" for example jokingly and meme about it but the difference stops there
Despite the controversy with non-white migrants we still value civic nationalism
As long as migrants were white it never caused any problems or raised any questions

For first generation migrant it's different
They're usually seen as foreigners, their degree of frenchness depends on themselves I guess
They're usually welcome too though