Who is your countries best friend?


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Greece and Germany


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Wow fuck you too s*ta br*r

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The best friend of Spain is Myanmar. We are historical allies and have a lot of cultural similitudes.

Canada is our best friend :)

> a scanian wrote this

Söte bror norge obv

I love you too



You mean finland, right?

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Norway and Finland are our friends. How anyone could ever argue that d*Nmark has or is our friend is beyond me

>friends with a country who don't speak the same language as you

stockholmers, get out.

they literally have swedish as an official language and everybody learns it in school there. even though they might not speak it after that they are still our friends


>d*nes itt think we are their best friends
>sw*des itt think we are their best friends
little did they know, ICELAND is Norway's best friend

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Cute countries are better than douche bag countries

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we have no frens

I have no idea. Probably Argentina, but it's more of a competitive friendship.

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yes we do retarded ryssä

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sorry finbro my asshole is reserved only for icelandic BVLLS

nations aren't people lol they can't have best friends

yeah i was saying that your cute best friend is iceland my cute best friend is estonia (cute countries)
but swedes want to be my best friend like danes and swedes want to be yours (douchebag countries).

Party pooper


Åland is pretty cute

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s*ta br*r, i...

Shut the fuck up faggot


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no, åland is ugly, shitty and a total bitch
you should have aborted them
i am tired of raising my brothers spoiled child like a cuck
i wish we had never saved them

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this post was made by Jens-Christian Sörensen, 21 years, Oslo vest

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you think this image is based and redpilled, but it's not
replace the child with an uncle or something and it'll be redpilled

D-does america have friends?

No one, who needs any.

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I think it would work better if Norway was the wife and Finland the child

lmao this is so accurate

yeah that would work

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Isn't Israel supposed to be your greatest ally?

Austria and Netherlands are like Brothers but Friend? France right now as strange as it may sounds

We have no frens

no shit ivan. try not """liberating""" countries in the future.

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Aren't serbs friends?

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true and you never will
fuck you

UK and Belgium

Canada is unironically the greatest friends we have
>native tongues are(for the most part,) mutually intelligible both irl and online
>almost equally as uncultured as the US
>role model for progressive states
>brought the world a fucking awesome sport
>chill in online vidya
>good music
>expats I've met doing contract work are super friendly and good company, will share some fine beer if hosting parties
>funny shitposts


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Might I ask why France, from a danish perspective? purely historical question, i don't see a reason for it but i do see what happened in 1814 lol

denmark and france against the world

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Denmark-Norway siding with Napoleon in his wars (which he obviously lost) lead to us splitting up and you losing us after having been together as a conglomerate state since 1523 lol. How is that good (for you)?

never commented on whether or not some war was "good" for us
i commented that france is our greatest ally

> Switzerland
> Liechtenstein

We are the same people and have been the same for hundreds of years, my brother :)


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They're your greatest ally just because, got it.

a negative outcome of a war does not make us any less allied
we stand by each other even after the bad outcome, which is what makes us great allies
so piss off with your snotty "got it" attitude, lad


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Wow, you're clearly rustled.
>x nation allied with us in a war that we ultimately lost and ended in disaster for us, losing 3/4 of our landmass
>bAsEd anD gReAtEsT aLlY
Put some fucking reasoning in.

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we have been allied in plenty of wars
you dont want to talk, you are a "dank memer", got it.

Get out danskjävel!

not yet but we will

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poland maybe?

i wish we were closer to australia as tropical frens

You dumb piece of shit. You subhuman baboon. You literal dog.

Finns aren't even scandinavien how are they not the weird freak, outsider, like a monkey?
Humans make humans. Going into the forest and taking a monkey, makes a finn.

>You dumb piece of shit. You subhuman baboon. You literal dog.
absolutely mega based

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yeah all right

how about; sweden father, denmark mother, norway son, finland funny monkey friend?

>t. Rasmus med en proxy

what a fucking legend



This is based

this HAS to be Sven working in Norway

Spain and Italy are total bros, i think france is pretty close too, its like a richer northern Spain
Portugal is tsundere and doesnt like the spanish loud way of acting

the bottle and the noose are our only friends

why would sweden be the father when denmark is much older than sweden?
here we see the classic sw*dish superiority complex on display

if we go by economy, norway wins.

sweden is literally no 1 in NO area except the amount of somalis they've brought in


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USA, USA, USA, based Ronald Raygun got us freedoms.

Denmark is older only as a united kingdom, which is only natural as the danes were the closest to the feudal continent, AND the only people to adopt the feudal system. Sweden is considerably larger and more populated than all three neighbours, and naturally has a far larger economy than Norway by over a hundred billion.

In conclusion; you are a faggot.

Chile I guess.

>Denmark is older only as a united kingdom,
sweden isn't a united kingdom to this day. if i could press a button and nuke Stockholm i would.

>Sweden is considerably larger and
norway is almost the same size as sweden, and if you include greenland denmark is the largest

>more populated than all three neighbours
more immigrants. not a good thing

>and naturally has a far larger economy than Norway by over a hundred billion.
fucking lmao. "natural economy".
hey, buddy, norway was richer than sweden BEFORE the found the oil. suck on that.

We don't have one, nobody likes us

If we want to go by age then Norway should be the oldest/the father, faggots.
872 AD

anyone who has money


what about Ireland?

Just incase you don't believe , see picrel.

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what do you base that age on?
I could go find plenty of Saga kings that founded and refounded sweden.

U can't be serious

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>I don't know anything about Ireland: the post

I base that age on Harald Hårfagre uniting the Norwegian petty kingdoms into one, Norway, after defeating his last rival at the battle of Harfsfjord in 872 AD.
That's 50 years before Denmark and over 100 years before Sweden.

guess why i asked, nigga?
i want to know why they hate each other so much

>only poorer than Monaco, Luxembourg and based mountain jews