Why do people think Brazil is part of Latin America...

Why do people think Brazil is part of Latin America? They don't speak Spanish and their culture is completely different from dirty Spanish speaking subhumans

Attached: brazil thumb.jpg (640x360, 39K)

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they are the same but they have a """genre""" of """"""""""""""music"""""""""""""" called "funk" and it is as shitty as regayton

t. vinicius dos santos silva

I am partially Brazilian. Yes. Its annoying. We don't have anything to do with you

basically this

Turn off your proxy, Matheus.

we're not that different though. we're as similar as spain is to portugal. i think of us as latin americans too

latin america is countries in the americas who speak a romance language (spanish, portuguese, french, italian, romanian)

>their culture is completely different

They speak a Latin language

Most Brazilians live nowhere near Spanish speaking countries, most Brazillians don't study Spanish, most Brazilians are mixed Black-White and don't have any native influence, most Brazilians aren't complete saint worshippers, etc.

You're kidding, right? Ask any Brazilian about what they think about Latin America, and they'd consider it a gigantic shithole. Their new president, Bolsonaro, wants to cut off relations with the rest of Latin America for a reason.

They’re similar enough to us. Now the French Guyana or whatever the fuck it’s called those guys aren’t part of latin america.

Speak for yourself Joao. I like Latin Americans.

Because we live in Latin America.

>i'm partially Brazilian

No, you're American, stop trying to clinge into your heritage that you aren't even from.

because people are ignorant

we are culturally isolated

>They’re similar enough to us

They're really not. Most people outside of Spanish speaking America can tell the difference.

An Argie and Mexican have way more in common withe each other than an Argie and a Brazillian who live across the border from each other

>it is as shitty as regayton
NOTHING is shittier than niggerfunk, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING

>cut off relations with the rest of Latin America for a reason
ONLY with venezuela and cuba, the dictatorial shitholes
we will be furthering a lot our relations with Paraguay, Chile and Argentina

>we are culturally isolated

Bingo. I meet Brazillians everyday and the ones in the USA have nothing in common with the common streetspic

really? Argentina specifically is a country I thought to have many similarities to us. I don't think we're that close to Mexico and other Caribbean countries, but other than that I've always seen South Americans as little Spanish-speaking Brazils

south americans are more closed with each other, Mexicans and central americans are.

The audacity of this yank.

You know only like 10% of Brazilians have ever studied Spanish, right?

Portuguese and Spanish are similar languages. A Spanish speaker can understand a Portuguese speaker and vise versa

>they'd consider it a gigantic shithole
What the fuck are you smoking, nigger. Most Brazilians would agree that their country is also a shithole.

Attached: brasiu.jpg (218x818, 74K)

>wants to cut off relations with the rest of Latin America for a reason.
This is stupid though

we are a big snowflake

There's no need to if you can understand 90% of what each other say without knowing each other's languages.


it's like the american english and british english situation

Not always, it's about the same as swedes and norwegians

Here, this is why nobody likes diasporas, specially if they're amerishits

>most Brazilians are mixed Black-White
.t Tyrone Joao Jackson

which is it?


Contudo a ciência evidenciou várias vezes que nossos sentidos e percepções são mestres em nos enganar

Without google translate, tell me what that sentence means.

Spanish is obligatory in High School (or at least was, ENEM had the choice of it or English). Also: we are ex-colonies of a mixed Christian People, you can't get much more similar.

I guess it is because Brazil is kinda a conglomerate of countries by itself, so we prefer to keep between ourselves. You know, we are the half of South America that speaks Portuguese the rest is the half that speaks Spanish.

Dude, fuck off, you ain't Brazilian.


forget the first one (mine)
both the written and spoken languages are very different actually, you can't understand each other unless you studied the other language

Isn't it easy to learn Spanish for you guys?

Canada would be Latin American by your definition.


>another cringe thread from the Land of the Diaspora

Because Portuguese is a Romance language and Portugal was a part of Roman Empire. Retard.

>Contudo a ciência evidenciou várias vezes que nossos sentidos e percepções são mestres em nos enganar
... la ciencia evidenció varias veces que nuestros sentidos y percepciones son maestros en engañar

It's almost literally the same, word by word.

Well there problem solved for the mutt who made the thread

>not speaking portuñol

Not sure what "contudo" is supposed to mean, but everything looks almost identical

>a ciência evidenciou várias vezes que nossos sentidos e percepções são mestres em nos enganar
>la ciencia evidenció varias veces que nuestros sentidos y percepciones son maestros en engañarnos

contudo is the same as although

Contudo means However

"contudo" is "porém" as well, "but" in english

Don't some words have completely different meanings? Either way there isn't much of a language barrier

Maybe reading it is easy for you, but the spoken version sounds really different than Spanish


Can you follow along with the video?

Why are you so quiet now?

Well reading it is one thing, but understanding the spoken version is completely different.

I understand Brazillian Portuguese but can't figure out spoken Spanish.