Hello, my name is homo sapiens and this is Jackass

Hello, my name is homo sapiens and this is Jackass.

Attached: 1280px-Population_curve.svg.png (1280x777, 21K)

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How do I short this???


>my name is homo
We already knew that, leaf

Now that you realized that the world is overpopulate please sto having baby.
Mbwongo will help uou when you'll be older

>Tfw the only reason the world is so overpopulated is because we keep trying to rid Africa and Asia of disease and famine

How do we bring back disease and famine , bros? Who else /ecoterrorism/ here?

>that acceleration in the 1500s

Attached: 450755935_XS.jpg (400x267, 20K)

You can start helping the planet and the rest of the humans by killing yourselves. That would be a nice start.

don't worry it'll all go down soon as resources are limited especially at the rate they're being used

t. Mbwongo

Africans are over populating the Earth, Mbwongo is the problem.
Extirpate all Mbwongos.

Logarithmic scale would be more appropriate

>that trend
Might as well human pop will reach trillions anytime soon

we need to stop this
nuke africa

education is the solution, not nukes

Condoms are the solution, not education

that's too difficult and you don't even know if it's gonna work
nukes are a better solution

it's not a joke
once the last world invades every country, it will be prehistoric era all over again


it's not overpopulation, it's niggas "controlling" everything/leaving everything to be destroyed, specially nuclear power plants

Why are people blaming africa? It's not even as densely populated as europe. Without even considering Asian breeding grounds of overpopulation.

Many European countries have more population density than China, or very similar ones to the eastern populated part of China. China is just huge. The reason people are blaming Africa is because, 100 years ago, it never had the amount of population. While places like China and India are extremely populated in certain areas, they are very very fertile. Africa isn't. Africa barely makes food

they don't have any education at all
they commit the most hedious crimes (burning while dismembering, dismembering then stoning) with a lot of innocents watching
also there's the rape albino women to "get rid of the evil spirits" and rape babies to get rid of aids ritual shit