*runs across your room*

*runs across your room*

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What is that thing called. I was always curious

We call them silverfish around here.
Fucking hate those bastards.

House centipedes. They eat other house pests and don't hurt you

House centipede.

'Hello, Freddie."

T. centipede.

I remember a time a really gigantic one was so close to my foot. I freaked out

Flies in your room

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I wonder what monstrosities Aussies have to deal with?

It's called a scutigère.

Their bite is very painful but they only bite if cornered and mishandled, they look as smart as roaches and they eat mosquitoes and shit

anyone who eats mosquitoes is alright in my book

However, these types you can go and kill anytime you see one, like I do.

I must have killed hundreds of them, I want to exterminate them in my area, but i'm clearly outnumbered

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fucking hate these

That's not a silverfish, this is

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You have that shit in your house?

House centipede. is right

they actually kill other critters so I do my best to not squish them

>They eat other house pests and don't hurt you

I hope one crawls up your nose while you sleep.

Really? Shit, I've been calling them silverfish this whole time because my folks called them that.

You must have a very damp and shitty house if you have hundreds of them.

A silverfish is an earwig.

one of them fell on my face when i was sleeping.

I remember when I saw this flying insect that I didn't recognize at all. I was pretty spooked

In my house they slides in between the windows, I saw one of them do that, they're like very elastic
once or twice I saw one crawling on the ceiling at 3 am
you gotta kill it quick, you don't want that shit anywhere out of your sight

>tfw this is the only bug that exists in Finland during the 9 months of cold
I've only ever seen a handful of those during my life, otherwise no bugs at all.

>Widely distributed, this species can be found throughout southern Europe and around the Mediterranean Sea, in such countries as Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and Greece, as well as parts of North Africa

Never going to Europe now.

I don't have those. Where do you live? Is it specific to your area or all of France?

I've never seen those

They scatter away from light. I see them sometime in my basement bathroom when I go piss at night.

I fucking hate those. What makes everything worse is that they're fast.

Me neither, I wish we had them.

>only one bug for nine months
the more I hear about Finland, the more I want to live there

god fucking damn I hate bugs

I thought New Zealand was the good island, with no wildlife except for birds that turn into fruit.

every time I see a thread about bugs I am brought closer to suicide

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compared to Australia it is
but there are still bugs
one bug is too many

Fucking hate those things

I see them crawl around in the dirt of my houseplants. They're actually kind of cute, and eat other bugs and spiders, so I try to leave them alone. Better than the dead rat that crawled into my garage yesterday...


Try being a centipede with five kids who all need shoes to go to school.

I hear they're actually good because they hunt down pests, but I still stamp them out because I don't like the idea of having them skitter around

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All of you fucking pussies, jesus christ,
what a conglomerate of fagoots.


this motherfucker !!!

t. literally just beheaded his neighbor

it's just a house centipede

Any tips on finding an apartment that won't have bugs in it? I heard that higher up apartments tend to have fewer problems.

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>tfw from Cyprus and these fuckers are everywhere

I even see them on the streets in the center of town. It's fucking rank

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*crawl on your wall*

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I am from Arizona. I am in oneness with lizards

tfw I smacced one of these big bitches off the wall with a book and cut it's rear 1/3 off. I looked on the floor and the front 2/3 was nowhere to be found.

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I was in hanoi vietnam at night and there were huge ass roaches just out and about on the street

Never seen one of these țbh

have only ever seen the mini lizards


Don't live near a lake or river. Older buildings have more points of entry from crumbling mortar between bricks and such.

I saw one at the beach as big from my wrist to my elbow

Damn, the world offers so many scary critters. I'm glad I live in Australia with very little of that.

scolopendra is literally my biggest phobia.

i can't think of anything more horrifying than being under the covers with one of these crawling over you.

A centipede's skittering limbs typed this post.


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*dabs on your trash*

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I thought those only lived in the jungle!

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we get these in hawaii

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This desu
Top tipp never go lower than 46° N

It knows and it will take its revenge

heres a neat fact:
abo australians used to eat these

Used to?

My grandma told me that these shits love to get into your ears and bite you and really scared and scarred me. Since then every time I went to sleep i would wobble my head left and right until i fell asleep. I stopped doing it at 16years or so

There are people with bugs in their ears though. I remember a friend of mine got a moth inside his hear when he was sleeping. Disgusting.

Should've kept the light on

*screams like a girl*

this, but unironically

Gee... I wonder who's behind this post.

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the moment i hear those helicopter sounds my heart stops then i start running in panic trying to grab something to smack it because im afraid that fucker will go into my face

lmaooo imagine living in a country with big fucking centipedes and bugs in your house :D

the only bugs in my house are spiders and even those are rare

Well played souvlakipoulos

fuck you and fuck chinks

>just doused one of those crackheads in chemicals before coming on here and seeing this thread

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I don’t care for groundbound bugs
Wasps however, those i fucking hate beyond words

“Why don’t you want to shove this disgusting abomination down your dickhole?”

I hope house centipedes eat house pests like Jow Forums posters.

roaches are a plague in islands, though.
azores has some big ones that sometimes fly short distances

Don't worry lads, I'm here to save you!

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wh*Tes are not allowed in my house

Here is a hard earned tip:
When looking for shit to poison bugs don't got to supermarkets or DIY stores where they sell Raid and other impotent bug sprays.
Go to a vet store and ask for poison, the kind you have to dilute in water before spraying with your own pulverizer.
Ever since I did that I've not seen a live roach and after a month of finding dead ones they learned not to come.

I kill anything dumb enough to show itself to me in my house, but I acknowledge they also kill insects. They hunt, I hunt. It's fair.

These bugs are based and inofensive. You shouldn't kill them
These ones on the other hand are a literal niggers. Kill them on sight.

*bumps into your window*

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*sucks your blood*

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*sucks your blood and gives you lyme disease*

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Cutie, but I prefer these

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*destroys your almond plantation*
Nothing personal, kid

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fuck these pieces of shit

*kills you*

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They are innocent
When I see one I slowly put my index finger next to them, they climb it and eat the salt and dead skin

What is it? Never seen one here and I grew up in the countryside.


*kills your pom trees without facing any resistance*
gg ez

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It's a stinkbug, a small flying bug that emits foul smelling liquid from its ass when it feels threatened or dies
It smells like ammonia

>boomer italian mayor with no taste puts palms all over the coast in an attempt to give the place "tropical appeal"
>based picudo de la palmera shows up
>days later all the palms look like burned condoms
I love this buggy
Also they're really dumb and fun to watch, they're constantly getting harrassed by ants and lizards or swarming around lamps

"lets him live because God punished humanity with the burden of knowing the price of life"

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