Maybe by 2020

Maybe by 2020.

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Other urls found in this thread:

never watched a video of any of these guys (don't even know how T-series is)

Explain what's this pls

Trendy activity for unleashing hormones among puberty freaks.

Basically pewdiepie's #1 most subscribed channel position is being threatened by an indian music distributing corporation and people have been trying to keep pewdiepie on top because they seem him as someone that represents the early age of youtube and don't want him to get overtaken by a faceless poo in loo corporation.

At least T Series makes original content and doesn't shit out glorified reaction videos. I'd rather see Pajeet dance videos in my recommended than Pewdiepie's garbage.

I see, thanks lads. I thought the most subscribed guy was an asian guy though but whatever the case it seems sad that megacorps will soon absorb everything from YT.
Funny how some people on that site acted all cocky for a time saying stuff like "I don't watch the dumb ad-riddled shit from the TV anymore, don't even have one, all thanks to muh internet, free of corporations controling everything" then after a while they gravitated to watching the same dumb shit, with ads embedded from the same corporations to boot.

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>T Series makes original content and doesn't shit out glorified reaction videos

T series or bollywood in general is the worst movie and music industry in whole india. punjabi, kaanda, sanskrit, tamil and telugu, malay industry are all objectively better.

t. series

>T series or bollywood
t series isn't exactly bollyshit.

t-series has regional channel as well.


do they have regionals for both northern and southern industries?

t. Raj

GSAT-12 was launched today which would provide fast internet at even most remote parts of India. More T-series subscribers are coming.

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It's inevitable but he's holding out pretty well considering he's just one guy and not some kinda megacorporation.


he looks like the leader singer of the hives. i guess they're both swedish so it makes sense

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is there a way to stop both?

i hate indians, arabs, niggerians and chinks

they ruined the internet