How do we stop this, fellow Americans?

How do we stop this, fellow Americans?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Tell the world that we're the best country on earth like we've been doing for the last 60+ years

Attached: OurDad.png (640x359, 404K)

We need to get an astronaut on Mars.

declare war on our wh*te oppressors

Attached: amerimutt int.png (784x721, 17K)

*blocks your path*

Attached: 247093.jpg (1080x1920, 804K)

There are A LOT of us here, maybe we need more "American positivity" threads were we highlight all the good things about ourselves


Attached: C-658VsXoAo3ovC.jpg (800x450, 45K)

americans are fat and stupid lol

>Jow Forums in a nutshell

pretty accurate

Attached: ayylmao.jpg (116x125, 2K)

/murica/ when?

Attached: lincoln bear.jpg (300x168, 6K)


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Shoot up the school

You can't take bants?

>muh 300 year old paper

You're actually the minority on Jow Forums at 18%. You are the majority on Jow Forums though at 54%. So I recommend going back to Jow Forums where everyone is a mentally retarded faggot

Attached: 1525438287798.jpg (225x234, 54K)

Fuck only 2% more

>resemble Europe with EU-flag
Can americans stop this! EU is not Europe!

Because Jow Forums is a safe space for Eurotrash.

>be american
>eat a burger
>get fat

Attached: tio.jpg (600x758, 91K)

Why does the earth look smaller than the moon does seen from earth? The distance is the same so the earth should be much bigger.

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