Why didn't they become first world

why didn't they become first world

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We're considered a newly industrialized country, it's not like we're doing that bad

because they suck

It's a matter of time, give us 1 or 2 generations.

we get distracted easily.

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i don't know, everything is fucked and people no longer trust anything

>What is Chile?
>What is Panama?
>What is future Brazil (thanks to Bolsonaro winning)?

We have low IQs and we are black. Except for Chile that's indeed first world.

too diverse from the beggining. THe first world didn't lear from our shitty experence with racial diversity and will only devolve from here on

We're non-white


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there are no first world countries in latin america.
We are doomed to be shitholes unless we join together into a communist supreme union

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>What are Chile, Panama, future Brazil
mere promises

Too non-white


>future Brazil
lmao that shithole’s going to be fourth world soon enough


Same reason the US didn't: the US.

t. Hillary's voter

lmao imagine being a Jow Forumsedditor in 2019

They're not so bad. I still prefer them over Asia.

Chile is one of the most developed of the bunch, but it is not 1st world. By the same token, we could say that Panama or Puerto Rico, both richer than Chile per capita, are first world. And most people would agree they are not either

The entire region was colonized and settled as a resource mine for Spain, it never escaped this mentality.

Geopolitics at its worst.
The region in general has a lot of valuable resources ,yet the long distance between relevant commercial allies, didn't improved our situation, besides the instabilities in politics, administration and social disorder.
In order for LatAm to become a successful continent, all of the above need to be eliminated.
But also we would need a big industry to exploit, with a bigger market to sell to.

TL;DR: you're a faggot, read all of the above mentioned.

The first thing is finishing with Maduro Dictatorship , I do not know why all Latin American countries do not join forces to put an end to that dictator once for all.


Latin culture really doesn't value work and education, it's more about feats of macho bravado.

"Muh human rights". Also, china, russia and unironically, your government kinda support him

The US meddling in their politics

I see. So are we all subhumans?

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My government it's pure trash, commies with social justice warriors and indepentist.

Those cunts were doomed to fail since before the US ever existed.

sorry but we're a white first world nation, don't confuse us with our northern neighbors

It's not our problem. Fuck off.

How a guy that makes its people die of starvation can be still under any human rights agreement?

I think it's the climate

Please do not include Southern Brazil in this thread - they are a proper white people.

Yep. The big stick policy never got importance after the end of the cold war. Now it is just pure incompetence.

>le chile is good meme

Brown = Third world.


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baah gauchão, bora dá o cu? xd

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you will become one of us within out lifetimes

This, the eternal american ruined this continent.

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too many race mixed mutts. Something about race mixing really fucks with the brain

Always keeping the record


kike mod & pics related: reddit.com/user/netpastor


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Uh, who is that guy and what is this whole post?

If you knew how mestizos think and behave you'd know

Of course fellow hueposter, latam is a continent of subhumans where you and I live.
The good thing about it is that we'll be doing ok when the firstoids annihilate each other on the inevitable nuclear war

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>He /threads his own post

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Mestizos are not a hivemind, racist retard. And Chile, a more mestizo country, is doing better than this country. Not to mention latinos in Miami.

So we have no hope?

Yes, we do.
Just gotta keep our slowwwww but steady pace, who knows ? Maybe someday we'll be glidding across the barren wasteland that was once LOS on our anti-grav cars whilst shitposting furiously

More like why they dropped from being first world, the Southern Cone (Argentina, Chile and Uruguay) were similar to Australia and New Zealand in 1900

And is becuase idiots wanted to become industrialized in the XX century when we are the continent with the lowest population density and the only way for locally manufactured products to compete with imports is that they have to be protected by very high tariffs (locally manufactured products cost much more to make than what is made in industrialized countries).

If we kept like Australia and New Zealand happily exporting primary products We can use to our benefit having the opposite seasons of the North Hemisphere to sell food) we wouldn't be so fucked.

Attached: GDP_per_capita_of_Argentina,_percent_of_US_(1900-2008).png (997x697, 105K)

If countries were overthrown based on whether people there were going hungry, there'd be revolutions everywhere.

So should I be happy for coming days?

We lost the "exports" model that elevated many asian countries according to some economists, such as Bresser.


tropical weather

But what should I feel about nowadays?

We are lazy

We are, don't compare us to any other cou try outside the southern cone.





You're not first world and never will be and neither are Argensimia or our 28th state you call Uruguay.

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why is the paraguayo missing a face?

Para means Face in portuguese
Guaio means something like Less.

It's our meme :´)


Argentina should have an economy on par with France by now with that much god tier land. I don't understand it either. They were far from the good trade routes though.


Few liveable places i.e places with avg tempeature between 18 to 7C and a good amount of precipitation (that excludes Patagonia and most of the Andes).

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Didn't support Pinochet enough.

This. If America had let us being communists now it would be the richest continent by far.

1. They're too horny all the time
2. They're also lazy

Which spic shithole is the least first world?

This camp doesn't exist anymore.

Probably Venezuela

because hue people rather discuss cultural marxism, globalism than being relevant.
the moment we surpassed uk gdp, we bought an imported argument that 'miserable people receiving money is bad'. nevermind global trade, late-stage capitalism, neo-mercantilism, industrialization, and other countries not wanting us to rise.

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not our problem

But he was democratically elected.

> 8+ million voter turnout
> most voting sites were in fact nearly empty
ahh yes.... beautiful democracy

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It's not his fault if people who don't like him leave the country instead of voting against him.

Real esrimates put the voter turnout in less than 4 million people. What does that tell you? Opposition candidates were sanctioned and unqualified to run. Maduro was practically competing against himself. Isn't your country getting some of the refugees btw? I see your countrymen complaining about that all the time and you don't even get 1/10th the amount we've received here. I see you're turning a blind eye here

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Yes, you can't go to the city without hearing venezuelan accent everywhere. They speak loud and are easy to spot.

*Culture that doesn't value work and education
*Colonial history as a resource mine
*Isolated from major world trade routes
*Unfavorable climate and geography

so, how is it that you are defending what's going on there?

>believing anything narcosland: plan colombia II says

i'm talking from what I see daily on the streets

I'm not saying that he's a good president, I'm just saying that calling him a dictator is an exaggeration.

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in that we can agree, I don't think he is a dictator either

Man just imagine if the whole continent was first world.

>Colonial history as a resource mine

Brazil and Argentina are the only countries that have any kind of actual industrial base and they still rely on massive protectionism to safeguard it from foreign competition.

i was just meaning to shitpost but your riposte was so sincere i'm inclined to speak my mind now.
what is the problem with venezuela??
well it managed to get rich at the same time poverty was increasing (1990 forward). so lots of poor people on venezuelan favelas. the army and other institutions were not satisfied. but the national media also didn't want to discuss terms of government with the poor or even with well-paid officials. you have to remember that for the gdp to increase while poverty also on the rise meant (((certain groups))) were getting REALLY rich.
Voilà, hugo chaves for the rescue.
liberal institutions failed, but eventually chaves was elected democratically.
what happened?
he suffered an attempted coup d'état.
at that time, everything went to shit.
the urban middle-class, entitled as you'd expect, never accepted that. well at least chaves was an able statesman. maduro isn't, and even if i don't think this crisis is his sole responsability, one can't defend him.
thing is colombia supported the coup, because fuck everything says the colombian state. doesn't matter it suffers from the HIGHEST internal displacement in the world.

we are friends, colombian and brazilian citizens. but the colombian state is a chagrin on this world, alongside chile

just want to say that brazilians are pathetic and ignorant. Almost the burgers of south america

damn that's cold

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I'm the dude you responded to, not the one above you. I agree in part with what you said but you still have some biases here and there and it seems like you only know one side of the story